VG Pulse 15: Sex Lies and Buffalo Wings

Hi Everyone I want to take a moment and remind you that VG Pulse is still new and we need your feedback to improve segments. Please keep in mind old co-host are not coming back other then maybe NinJa. So love it or hate it give VG Pulse your feedback thanks and Enjoy the show. Send Emails to
From here on out Rhynoo and I are the cast for VG Pulse. Oh there is just one more thing Tina the Hooters Waitress our senior sex corespondent stops by to talk about condoms with us and other random things that pop up in her mind.


Why – Ayaka Theme from Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core


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It’s available for the following platforms PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Microsoft Windows, Wii, PlayStation 2, PSP and Nintendo DS

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0 Replies to “VG Pulse 15: Sex Lies and Buffalo Wings”

  1. Wow, even my friends found certain parts of this latest show a little too misogynistic, even though they love massages.

    It would be cool if you could skype together some subscribers to help guest-host some shows. Special how-to segments would be a bonus too like “how to not brick your psp” or “how to bluetooth a controller to your laptop”

  2. ‘It would be cool if you could skype together some subscribers to help guest-host some shows.’

    We can just send me an sound clip of you doing a review or reading some news.

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