Fan Pulse 02: Dude, where's my couch?

Oh Snap! Two in a row! The moral to take away from this episode is this “Insanity is defined by doing the same thing multiple times but expecting different results”. This week the boys are joined by Contra. Geth seems to be lagging, or maybe that’s just him. This one is more of a drunk story show, and apparently the guys aren’t old-school gamers. Come on guys, the code is “Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start” (Select Start if two-player). Disappointing. I’ll be back next week, so enjoy the extended break from regular shows 🙂

Fan Pulse 01: The fans that hate me :-)

Now I know you’re thinking “what’s the deal Ichigo, where’s the AP?”, well sorry, I’m taking a short vacation. But luckily Paltir, Gethsemane and the Freaking Pope started a little something they call Fan Pulse. Paltir thinks I either forgot about him or am just ignoring him. Neither, it was all part of my master plan to wait and release this when I needed a break, mwahahaha! Anyways, some fans from way back kick back and shoot the shit, give it a listen.

Episode 282: That flower we dreamed about on Mars

TimeChaser and I have a great show for you this week. We talk about the news, there’s some decent stuff this week. Then I address a couple listener emails and we talk about anime. TC reviews Ghost Talker’s Daydream and Mars of Destruction and then I review Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. Don’t miss it!
Continue reading “Episode 282: That flower we dreamed about on Mars”