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AP 568 - Q. Disappoint

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2018 4:43 pm
by VicMonado
Anime is like life in that there are no shortages of disappointments to be found. So in honor of art imitating life, name a show(s) that disappointed you for whatever reason. Let me know why and let's take solace in the fact that to be disappointment meant you had to have liked it or at least hope for it to begin with. ;)

Thank you for you time and I look forward to hearing from you.

Re: AP 568 - Q. Disappoint

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2018 8:17 pm
by GhoulShinobi
As Thomas Jefferson once said “If I am to meet with a disappointment, the sooner I know it, the more of life I shall have to wear it off.” I’m sure he was talking about anime...

as much as I don’t like to admit this because I love this show Tokyo Ghoul root A was indeed a disappointment. It was so different from the manga that it was almost unrecognizable and the story telling of the manga was unbelievably better. Tokyo Ghoul toot A felt rushed and it just barely managed to get the basic plot across it left out important things/characters that it didn’t know would be important in the future. And no I do not hate Season two but I was disappointed.
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Re: AP 568 - Q. Disappoint

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2018 9:36 pm
by xahldera
I've mentioned this before, but two anime that definitely disappointed me were "Kampfer" and "K-on!" Season 2.

I'll not labour the point but as I mentioned previously many times, Kampfer was disappointing to the point where it almost made me angry. Dropped it after 2.5 episodes. So much wasted potential. Good seiyuu's, interesting premise, all ruined by one very stupid protag stuck in a plot exposition, misunderstanding, exacerbation feedback loop that eventually made me cringe so hard my eyebrows and forehead hurt.

K-on! season 2, as mentioned before, was especially disappointing because I loved the first season so much. So more K-on! should've been a good thing. Instead it bored me silly and I got very disappointed it didn't hold my attention as well as it should've.

Bonus joke answer! Rebuild of Evangelion 3.33 disappointed me because although I saw it in an arthouse cinema for a special screening and enjoyed it, it was disappointing not because the movie was bad but rather it took so bloody long to release it in the UK that I didn't bother waiting and instead bought a Hong Kong release, which had nicer binding on enclosed booklets and nicer outer packaging compared to the official UK release, which I also bought because apparently I'm a fool who is easily parted with his money when it comes to anime. :lol:

Re: AP 568 - Q. Disappoint

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2018 8:22 pm
by rampant_a_i
I think I will mention one of recent vintage, My sons and I decided to watch Netsuzou Trap all the way to the end, all the while thinking it would have a subverted plot from what it advertised. It advertises and telegraphs with a sledge hammer the blatant Yuri/GL type of story. And there is so much sadistic drama between the two female leads that one anticipates that one of them, Hotaru is coming on strong on Yumi for purely underhanded motives, in this case to separate the naive Yumi from her wouldbe boyrfriend. The subversion _would_ have been that the sadistic Hotaru was just trying to get the boyfriend Takeda, by confusing Yumi with her latent Yuri tendencies.

BUT, despite all of the sad drama and angst, and all of the threads that could have lead to a subverted plot twist, in the end the two girls decided that they were both more interested in each other after all. All of the needless B.S.and chest-beating intrigue and angst they put the audience through was entirely unneccessary and could have been avoided in the very first episode. I really thought they were going to take their cue from movies like "WIld Things", but no dice. Totally disappointing and a sad demonstration of what amounts to nothing more than a silly Yuri shojo. So what's on the cover is exactly what's in the contents. Nothing to see here, just a waste of time, folks. (Unless you're into those sorts of things, but maybe not even then.).
(My A.I. singularity rating: Burn it.)

Re: AP 568 - Q. Disappoint

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2018 12:20 am
by YotaruVegeta
I thought this would be easier to answer, because a lot of anime can't stick the landing. I guess anime that disappoint fade away from my memory faster than the good stuff.

So I'll go with one that popped up first in my head: Kado: The Right Answer


Kado: The Right Answer was a sci-fi from a year or two ago lasting only a few episodes (was it 12 or 13?). It was about humanity dealing with a seemingly benevolent alien being who was going to change the lives of everyone dramatically. It started out in a fascinating way, but then it decided to just go for PFTT, i don't know, um SPOILERS the aliums iz the bad gaiys. WE FIGHT!?!! Aw, come on, Kado. We could've had something smart.

Re: AP 568 - Q. Disappoint

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 3:27 pm
by InnocuousBlonde

High School of the Dead. I'm sure I've mentioned this like a dozen times - Madhouse + zombies should have been a double win in my book; instead I found myself eyerolling so hard at the BLATANT fanservice and the bust size of that one teacher character and the general lack of cohesion of tone that I almost went blind. It was disappointing because it not only HAD potential, but fulfilled some of it - and then the failed parts failed so hard (IMO) that I was actually kind of mad about it. >:(

I should really get around to watching some of the recent animated Junji Ito stuff so I can register my disappointment there. Cause dang do I like my freaky Junji Ito manga - but based on Andrew-chan's review, it sounds like the adaptation to screen didn't capture the magic. But I won't officially register it til I've seen it!