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AP 786 - Cold Anime

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2023 6:09 pm
by VicMonado
So I've run topics about anime you associate with seasons and special occasions but how about we go a bit more broad and try temperature? Seeing as it's still a bit chilly out, name some anime that most give you cold vibes. It doesn't strictly have to feature much or any cold weather. Just needs to carry the vibe.

Today's topic was submitted by unimpliedSnuSnu

Re: AP 786 - Cold Anime

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 7:49 pm
by Blackmagic4444
Blood+, even though Saya stops her twin and threat from looming over the world she has to miss out on all family and friends living in it. Only to wake back up when they are either dead or old.