VG Pulse 178: Irrational Ghosts

This week on VG Pulse, we are back to being unsupervised as Kas is recovering from an eye surgery. We have a fairly short show this week as we discuss the return of Flappy Bird, as well as the sad news that Irrational Games is being shut down by the founder. Afterwards, we skip the forums and Millennium gives his short review of Call of Duty: Ghosts. All this and more up next on VGP178!! -Aki Continue reading “VG Pulse 178: Irrational Ghosts”

Animeland Wasabi 2014 Sneak Peek

Weltall and I dropped by Animeland Wasabi for an easygoing weekend of nerdy fun! We interviewed some fantastic guests, photographed some crazy-awesome costumes, dined in a maid cafe, and spent altogether too much money in the dealer’s room. (Oh wait, that was just me…)

Here’s a few of the videos that should be coming out over the next week or so on our coverage of Animeland Wasabi:


-David Vincent
-Matthew G. Gray
-Erica Schroeder (audio only- will be available for download at or in the iTunes store)
-Eric Wile
-Press conference with Angel Anatomy, Warky T. Chocobo, Erica Schroeder, Danielle McRae, and Uncle Yo
-Group interview with Laura Post, Lisle Wilkerson, and Julie Rei Goldstein

Around the con

-Weltall and E’s Animeland Wasabi Maid Cafe Experience
-Nylon Pink Concert
-Full Animeland Wasabi coverage