Episode 41: The Loveless Earthian says “Noein ni Yookoso”

We’ve got a good episode this week. We review Loveless as a birthday present to a listener. We also review Earthian, NHK ni Yookoso and Noein – Mou hitori no kimi e.

Loveless – Even if you receive it as a gift, burn the disc and piss on the ashes
NHK ni Yookoso – Wouldn’t kick it out of bed for crackers
Earthian – Download Now!
Noein ~ Mou hitori no kimi e – Wouldn’t kick it out of bed for crackers

Show Notes


Opening – Tsubasa wa Pleasure Line (Minami Kuribayashi) from Chrno Crusade
Closing – Neko Mimi Mode (Dimitri from Paris) from Tsukiyomi ~ Moon Phase


Yoshiki, Gackt to Start Band
When answering a fan question this afternoon at Otakon, Japanese rock legend Yoshiki announced he will start a band with J-Pop star Gackt.

Go Speed Racer: Waiting for Green Light
The Wachowski brothers’s live action Speed Racer film is “on the starting line awaiting the green light at Warner Bros,” according to Production Weekly. The production has reportedly taken over the Burbank lot that was home to Bryan Singer’s defunct Logan’s Run remake.

ADV to Release Utawarerumono
ADV announced that they have licensed Utawarerumono, which will be released in North America under the name Shadow Warrior Chronicles. It is expected to be released early 2007.

Sony Opens Door to UK Anime Channel
UK regulator OFCOM has granted Sony a license to broadcast a network called Anime+.

Anime Expo 2007 Dates Announced
June 29 to July 2 in Long Beach. more…
Death Note Locks up Japanese TV
The Madhouse-animated adaptation of the Death Note manga will air October 3 at midnight on Nippon TV in Japan.

Gundam Goes Life-Sized
5-foot Gundam figures coming soon more…

Gundam/RuroKen Seiyuu Dies
Hirotaka Suzuoki, the seiyuu (e. Japanese voice actor) for Bright Noa in the original Gundam and Saito Hajime in Rurouni Kenshin, died from lung cancer this past Sunday. He was 56. He also did voice work for Dragonball Z as Tien and Ranma 1/2 as Kuno, among other roles.

Newtype Hypes Evangelion Scoop
September’s Newtype Japan advertises an “extra large scoop” on Evangelion in the October issue. Whether it is related to Hideaki Anno’s new project is unknown. The issue streets September 10.

Maison Ikkoku Drama Update
According to TV Asahi’s official website for Maison Ikkoku, Misaki Itou has been cast for the part of Kyoko Otonashi in the upcoming Maison Ikkoku live-action drama (previously reported on here, however they are still looking for a suitable actor for Godai and have sent out an open casting call for the part.

German Anime Con Next Month
Germany’s Connichi takes place September 15-17 in Palais Kassel. Among the guests of honor are Makoto Tateno and Studio Gainax.


Muffin Radio
Blood, Crack and Anime


Noein ~ Mou hitori no kimi e



NHK ni Yookoso

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Episode 40: Odin unleashes the Dragon’s Century and Dokuro-chan on the Ragtime Show

This week is a great show. We review Bleach of course. We also review Odin: Starlight Mutiny, Dragon’s Century, Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan and Coyote Ragtime Show.

Odin: Starlight Mutiny – Even if you receive it as a present, burn the disc and piss on the ashes.
Dragon’s Century – Wouldn’t kick it out of bed for crackers.
Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan – Wouldn’t kick it out of bed for crackers.
Coyote Ragtime Show – Download Now!

Show Notes


Kumiko Kato, ZZ in Vancouver
Kumiko Kato and ZZ will perform at Anime Evolution, August 19-21 in Vancouver.

New Lupin Special in Japan
Lupin the 3rd: 70s Rhapsody will air in September on Japan’s NTV network.

Nana Kitade Not Coming to NYC
The tentatively planned Nana Kitade concert on August 7 in New York has been cancelled. Kitade will still perform at Otakon and in Boston and San Francisco next month.

Witchblade Alternate Version Revealed
The official Japanese Witchblade homepage now hosts comparison screenshots of the TV version and more risque DVD version of Masane transformed state.

Sakura-Con Announces First 2007 Guests
Sakura-Con has announced that American voice actors Vic Mignogna and Doug Smith will attend the 2007 10th anniversary convention as guests of honor. The 2007 Sakura-Con will be held at the Washington State Convention and Trade Center in Seattle, Washington on April 6-8, 2007.

Naruto Ninjafest Kicks Off
Naruto Ninja Dome ’06 commenced today with voice actors Junko Takeuchi and Kazuhiko Inoue recording fan messages for a radio show. The 5-day festival, which attracted about 250 fans today, is held at Prism Hall in the Tokyo Dome City convention complex.

Paprika Not Coming to America This Year
Sony has informed Twitch that Paprika will not be released on October 31: “Sony is planning a theatrical release of the film in 2007 with a DVD to follow sometime after that.”

Miyazaki Declines Academy Invitation
Third time not the charm for AMPAS more…
New Info on My Otome OVA
Animate.tv has announced that My Otome Zwei, the My Otome OVA series, will debut in Japan this fall. Promotional advertising posters and banners the release will appear in select locations beginning in August.Searching the Seven Seas for Translators
Seven Seas Entertainment is looking for Japanese-to-English Translators for a “wide variety of translation projects.”

Cartoon Network/Adult Swim Schedule Recap
Series premieres in August and September more…
Full Run of FLCL on [AS] Viewer’s Choice
The winner of [adult swim]’s annual “Have It Your Way” contest has opted to have a full run of Furi Kuri (e. Fooly Cooly) this Saturday from 11 p.m. to 2 a.m., among their other choices. Other anime included in the block are Cowboy Bebop, Fullmetal Alchemist, Trigun, Paranoia Agent and Samurai Champloo.

Toei and Disney Co-Productions Announced
Co-production agreement between Toei Animation and Walt Disney Television International Japan announced more…

Odin: Starlight Mutiny

Dragon’s Century

Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan

Coyote Ragtime Show

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Episode 39: The Cosplay episode

This week we’re joined by our friend Treize, a master cosplayer. She tells us a little about it. We also review Soul Link, FLCL and Black Lagoon. Don’t miss this great episode!

Soul Link – Even if you receive it as a present, burn the disc and piss on the ashes.
FLCL – Download Now!
Black Lagoon – Download Now!

Show Notes


We’ve got a new website design!!! O.O

Anime Pulse nominated for the Best Cultural Show at The Podcast Awards! Go and vote every day!

Bleach Cast Announced
Johnny Yong Bosch is Ichigo

Peter Cullen is Optimus Prime
Peter Cullen announced he will reprise his role as Optimus Prime in Michael Bay’s Transformers film. Also, Filmwad has several behind the scenes photos of the vehicles and set.

Live Action Afro Samurai
A live action Afro Samurai movie starring Samuel L. Jackson and involving Christopher Nolan is in the works. The animated series, meanwhile, will consist of five 25-minute episodes, each with a budget of over $1 million. Additional episodes may be ordered if the series does well.

4Kids Anime Goes On-Demand Soon
4Kids has announced that all of the shows featured on its Saturday morning FOXBOX block will be featured on its new 4KidsTV channel that will premiere on Comcast On Demand service next month. 4Kids currently features shows like Sonic X and Kirby: Right Back At Ya!, but according to the press release, the new Yu-Gi-Oh! spinoff, Capsule Monsters, will also be part of the line-up.

4Kids TV Sticks with Fox
The fifth season of 4Kids TV begins this fall on Fox. Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monsters premieres September 9, and Chaotic on September 30.

Eureka 7 on YTV
YTV will air Eureka 7 on Friday nights this fall.

Miyazaki Movies on UK TV
FilmFour to air 7 Miyazaki films in August

Tarantino Wants Kill Bill Anime Prequels
Quentin Tarantino says he wants to make two anime Kill Bill prequels: an origin film about Bill and his mentors, and an original tale with The Bride.

Jin-Roh Short Film Online
Production IG animator Koushi Kishida’s Jin-Roh anime short film, Images of the Last Battalion, is now online. The short film won Japan’s Digital Frontier Grand Prix Best VFX Award last year.

Fullmetal Theater List
Funimation has posted a list of theaters that will screen the Fullmetal Alchemist movie next month. All showtimes are Friday, August 25 at 9:30 p.m. and Saturday, August 26 at 2 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.

Gedo Senki Panned by Online Critics
Studio Ghibli’s Gedo Senki, which is to be released in theaters this week, has received a 2.3 rating (out of 5) on Yahoo Movies Japan by people who have seen advanced screenings. Comparatively, recent anime TokiKake received a 4.7 grade, Pokemon a 3.9, and Brave Story a 3.0. Pixar’s Cars has received a 4.2.

Geneon Looking for Anime Product Manager
Geneon has posted a listing for an Anime Product Manager on Monster.com. The position involves “daily marketing projects” and “budgeting, planning and execution of all company industry tradeshows and conventions.”

Naruto Movie 3 Trailer
A 90-second trailer for the third Naruto movie is now online. The movie opens next weekend in Japan.


Soul Link


Black Lagoon

Download Now

Episode 38: Hot girl love, martial arts, dog gods and slice of life. What more could you want?

This week we review Simoun, Inukami, Binbou Shimai Monogatari and Tenjou Tenge. Along with the news and our normal reviews.

Simoun – Wait until it hits the US and NetFlix it.
Inukami – Wait until it hits the US and NetFlix it.
Binbou Shimai Monogatari – Wait until it hits the US and NetFlix it.
Tenjou Tenge – Download Now!

Show Notes


kki Tousen Author Comes to Comic-Con
Yuji Shiozaki will attend Comic-Con International for an autograph session and the unveiling of his new figure collection. The convention runs July 20-23 in San Diego.

Bleach Bliss: 30 Second Movie Trailer
The first trailer for Bleach: Memories of Nobody is now online. The film premieres in December in Japan.

New Kanon Trailer
A new trailer for Kyoto Animation’s new Kanon series is now online. The series starts in October.

Space Tourist to Cosplay in September
You may have heard the rumors that Japanese businessman Daisuke Enomoto will be dressed as Char Aznable when he goes to visit the International Space Station in September. Well, it’s very much the truth and not only that, but he’s actually building a plastic model to take with him during the trip. Talk about your true otaku.

Sgt. Frog Called up for Mobile Service
The latest Gigabyte phone to hit Japan is styled after Sgt. Frog from the Keroro Gunso anime. It’s limited to 2000, so hop on them quickly.

Madhouse in the Mix for Boondocks Season 2
Madhouse has joined the production team for season 2 of Boondocks. “We’re creating a new system on-the-fly to get an authentic anime style but still have it be written with an American comedic sensibility,” creator Aaron McGruder says.

More Black Lagoon Anime Coming
A second Black Lagoon series is in the works, according to Sunday GX Magazine.

Bleach on YTV
Bleach will air this fall on Canada’s YTV.

Production IG CEO Participates in Japan Society Project
Production IG Chairman and CEO Mitsuhisa Ishikawa recently attended a Japan Society Innovators Project meeting, which included such guests as a current VP of IBM, former senior executive of Hewlett Packard, and founder of Craigslist. The event is chronicled on IG’s site.

Robotech Dub Studio Closes
Intersound Inc., which dubbed anime such as Robotech and Dogtanian in the ’80s, is closing down and auctioning some of its equipment on eBay.

CPM Recall For Out of Print Discs Only
Central Park Media Managing Director John O’Donnel has clarified WEA’s recall notice for ANN: “This notice applies only to older SKU’s of these titles which were released in the past, which we have not been shipping for quite some time.” He also notes Patlabor and Utena are still in print in new versions.

New St. Seiya Hades Anime Announced
Toei’s official St. Seiya homepage has announced plans to produce new anime episodes of the St. Seiya Hades Chapter Inferno storyline. No additional information is available yet.

Detective Conan Goes Live-Action
YTV has announced a live action Detective Conan series. The show will be set before the anime series.

First Conan Movie Out On DVD This Fall
According to Diamond’s Video Vault, FUNimation will release the first Case Closed/Detective Conan movie sometime this fall (probably around October). The full English title is Case Closed: The Time-Bombed Skyscraper, and it originally hit Japanese theaters in 1997–almost a full decade ago.

Bad Cops in Michigan caught on tape

ANN on G4’s Attack of the Show: Video and Transcript




Binbou Shimai Monogatari

Tenjou Tenge

Download Now

Episode 37: Ayashi no Kyou no Zegapain

This week we have a special guest, Kaitar. We review Ayashi no Ceres, Zegapain, Kyou no Go no Ni and the Saikano live action movie.

Saikano Live Action – Wait until it hits the US and NetFlix it.
Kyou no Go no Ni – Wait until it hits the US and NetFlix it.
Zegapain – Wouldn’t kick it out of bed for Crackers.
Ayashi no Ceres – Download Now!

Show Notes


Illumitoon Lights Up With Beet the Vandel Buster
Illumitoon Entertainment Ltd., a new Forth Worth company founded by former Funimation executives, has acquired Beet the Vandel Buster and its sequel, Beet the Vandel Buster Excellion. Based on the Shonen Jump manga, Beet is the company’s first announced title. From the press release: “Already Illumitoon has acquired some serious titles, and is looking forward to launching DVD releases as early as January 2007.”

Wachowskis on Board for Speed Racer
IGN FilmForce has reported that the Wachowski Brothers, made famous via their Matrix trilogy, are starting to write the screenplay for the live-action Speed Racer movie that actor Vince Vaughn pitched to Warner Bros. back in 2004. Also, it hasn’t been confirmed, but Vaughn may have a part in the movie as Racer X whenever production starts up.

Missing Cat, Please Help

Jay Chou’s next role is a Slam Dunk
Yao Ming to have cameo in upcoming live-action “tribute”

Gainax Announces New Anime
Maiking Break-Through Gurren-Lagann

CMX on Tenjho Tenge Edits Again
Director of Manga responds to complaints

More on Ghost in the Shell: Solid State Society
Production IG has opened a new page on Bandai’s newly licensed Ghost in the Shell: Solid State Society film. The movie will run on Japanese pay-per-view starting September 1 and will be released on DVD November 24 in Japan. US release details are yet to be announced.

Makoto Shinkai’s Latest Project
Yahoo Japan has opened an official site for Makoto Shinkai‘s upcoming Byousoku 5 Centimeter, including a high-definition trailer. The film is compilation of short animated movies that premieres next spring in Shibuya theaters.

Appleseed Sprouts on Encore Action
2004’s Appleseed will air August 26 on Encore Action’s Animidnight.

Brazil Welcomes Nausica, Kare Kano Manga
Panini Comics and Conrad Publishing recently issued Kare Kano and Nausica of the Valley of the Wind in Brazil. Also, the Papo de Budgea blog traces manga’s recent growth in the country.


Ayashi no Ceres

Kyou no Go no Ni


Saishu Heiki Kanojo – Live Action

Download Now

Episode 36: Anime Expo Host Club?

This week Batou gives the first portion of his Anime Expo wrapup, and I review Ouran High School Host Club. It’s a great episode, so give it a listen.

Ouran High School Host Club – Wouldn’t kick it out of bed for crackers.

Show Notes


French Girls Flee to Japan, Get Stuck in Poland
Two girls from Paris were
caught Sunday in Poland after running away from home to “visit the land of manga.”

Hayao Miyazaki’s Reaction To Earthsea
Tales From Earthsea–the latest feature film from Studio Ghibli–was directed by Hayao Miyazaki’s son, Goro. Many were surprised that Goro helmed the… full story »

Manga Added to the Dictionary
“Manga” will join a host of other words that have made their way into our everyday vocabularies in print when Merriam-Webster publishes its next edition of its widely-used dictionary. “Google” and “drama queen” are a few of the other entries that will be joining it in the next edition.

Miyazaki Invited to Join Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
Hayao Miyazaki is one of 120 people that the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has invited to join the Academy in 2006. Miyazaki is one of 8 invitees to have won an Oscar. The 120 invitees will be the only additions to the Academy this year.

Puffy AmiYumi in Cincinnati
Puffy AmiYumi has added a July 14 stop at Bogarts’s in Cincinnati to their east coast tour. Their first stop is Saturday in Philadelphia.

AX 2006 Licensing Roundup
17 anime, 22 manga, 2 novels

Ugly Yet Beautiful World on TAN
The first episode of This Ugly Yet Beautiful World will run on The Anime Network’s video-on-demand service starting today.

Adult Swim: Inu Yasha Movie Next Month, Bleach in Sept
Adult Swim has announced the third Inu Yasha movie will premiere August 12 at 11 p.m., followed by Bleach on September 9 at 11:30 p.m. Eastern.

Cameron Still Churning Battle Angel Rumor Mill
James Cameron says Battle Angel will be the second of two trilogies he plans to film. “Battle Angel is actually designed as a three-film cycle. So the logic there is to make one and, if it hits, boom-boom on the other two.”

Anime Expo 2006 – CLAMP announcements
Anime News Network’s coverage of Anime Expo 2006 continues with the announcements made at the CLAMP panel and Viz Media’s anime panel.

Anime Site/Trailer Update
Negima season 2, Asatte no Houkou, Hatarakiman, Tekkon Kinkreet movie


Ouran High School Host Club ()

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Episode 35: Escaflowne vs. Fist of the North Star – the cage match of DOOM!

Hey everybody. We’re reviewing Escaflowne and Fist of the North Star, plus we’ve got some NEW winners of the Podcast Pickle Contest.

Escaflowne TV – Download Now!
Escaflowne Movie – Wouldn’t kick it out of bed for crackers.
Fist of the North Star – Wouldn’t kick it out of bed for crackers.

Show Notes

Podcast Pickle Contest

skeeter27 won
Episodes 1-76 of Naruto on HK DVD
Signed Yaoi Fanart

OtakuTNT won
US DVD’s Episodes 1 – 20 of Revolutionary Girl Utena
Volume 1 of Wolf’s Rain
Signed Yaoi Fanart



Bleach Movie Site Now Open
The website for the Bleach movie, Memoires of Nobody, is now open and available for viewing. Not much in the way of content except a trailer and a few text ads in Japanese, but will likely be something to look at as the December premiere date gets closer.

Batou will be at AnimExpo!
Put your ninja hat on and FIND BATOU!

Miyazaki Likes Cars, Not Reporters
Hayao Miyazaki recently met with Pixar’s John Lasseter, who was in Tokyo to promote Cars. After seeing the film, Miyazaki reportedly told Lasseter, “Good job. I got tears!” Also, in his latest director’s diary, Gedo Senki director Goro Miyazaki asks that reporters stop trolling for problems between him and his famous father.

Optimus Prime statue in Southern China
Check out this 40 foot statue of Optimus Prime in this remote southern China province

Anime Expo Volunteers wanted
ANN is looking for a few volunteers for Anime Expo. Details are available here.

Train Man Leaves Station in September
Train Man will premiere in September in New York and “major cities,” followed by a DVD release in January. Viz will also volume 1 of the Train Man manga this October.

Monkey Punch, Ueda at AnimeFest
Monkey Punch and Yasuyuki Ueda will be guests at AnimeFest, September 1-4 in Dallas.

Funimation Channel Comes Home to Houston
Houston residents who subscribe to OEN’s FISION service will have access to Funimation Channel’s 24/7 broadcast starting this fall.

Death Note Tops Box Office Again
Death Note topped the Japanese box office for the second straight week, again pushing the Da Vinci Code to second place.

AD Vision Gets Financial Support
Japan’s Sojitz Corporation announced Monday that Japan Content Investments (JCI), an investment group run by Sojitz, Development Bank of Japan, and film distribution company KlockWorx, will contribute money to AD Vision in return for equity in the company. AD Vision founder John Ledford will remain the majority shareholder and CEO. JCI subsidiary ARM will also contribute money for AD Vision to use in acquiring new distribution licenses. The investment will allow ADV Films to raise its output of new anime titles, which had dropped in 2006, back to previous levels or above. In return, AD Vision will assist Sojitz with the acquisition of North American and European content for importation into Japan. AD Vision also reportedly, “has big plans for its manga business.”Atari to Make Saint Seiya Game
Namco Bandai is developing a follow-up to Saint Seiya: The Sanctuary titled “Saint Seiya: The Hades”. The PlayStation 2 game will be based on the manga and will include footage taken directly from the anime. The game will be released in Europe, where Saint Seiya is extremely popular, in Autumn 2006. Saint Seiya:The Sanctuary, released in 2005, was never released in North America.

Video Clip of CLAMP at Work
A five minute video segment providing a look at manga creator group CLAMP at work in their Tokyo studio, taken from a 2005 episode of Japan’s Top Runner television series, has turned up online.


Fist of the North Star


Literature Authors
Natsume Soseki
Akutagawa Ryunosuke
Abe Kobo
Mishima Yukio
Oe Kenzaburo
Murakami Haruki
Murasaki Shikibu

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