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This is the panel with both Shimamoto Sumi, Seiyuu and for Shuzilow.ha, Animator. Rangiku was kind enough to record this for us. Everyone give props to our wonderful East Coast Correspondent.
We've got our fingers on the pulse of Anime, Manga, Video Games, Movies with reviews, rants, and stories.
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This is the panel with both Shimamoto Sumi, Seiyuu and for Shuzilow.ha, Animator. Rangiku was kind enough to record this for us. Everyone give props to our wonderful East Coast Correspondent.
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This is the press panel for Shuzilow.ha, Animator. Rangiku was kind enough to record this for us. Everyone give props to our wonderful East Coast Correspondent.
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This is the press panel for Shimamoto Sumi, Seiyuu. Rangiku was kind enough to record this for us. Everyone give props to our wonderful East Coast Correspondent.
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We’ve got a great show this week. Jake from The Hadokings podcast joins us in the studio along with Bill Cosby and Arnold S. We review Hanbun no Tsuki ga Noboru Sora, Dead Leaves, Witchblade and Gundam Seed. Also included is Rangiku’s report on Anime Boston 2006.
Hanbun no Tsuki ga Noboru Sora – Wouldn’t kick it out of bed for crackers.
Gundam Seed – Wouldn’t kick it out of bed for crackers.
Witchblade – Wouldn’t kick it out of bed for crackers.
Dead Leaves – Download Now!
Show Notes
The podcast pickle contest is going well. We’re at #4. Here are new prizes
Prize 1:
All 6 volumes of Neon Genesis Evangelion manga (donated by Rangiku).
Signed Yaoi fanart of Batou and Ichigo making out (from Erin at Ninja Consultants).
Prize 2:
Episodes 1 – 76 of Naruto on DVD (donated by Ichigo).
Signed Yaoi fanart of Batou and Ichigo making out (from Erin at Ninja Consultants).
Prize 3:
Episodes 1 – 20 of Revolutionary Girl Utena on DVD (donated by Ichigo).
Signed Yaoi fanart of Batou and Ichigo making out (from Erin at Ninja Consultants).
Grand Prize:
Entire 26 episode Boxset of Tenchi Universe (donated by Batou).
Death Note Journal (donated by Ichigo).
GITS figure (donated by Batou).
Signed Yaoi fanart of Batou and Ichigo making out (from Erin at Ninja Consultants).
Central Park Media Statement
Musicland’s bankruptcy cited, no mention of CPM bankruptcy
Poll: What does “Otaku” mean to you?
Funimation Picks up Full Metal Panic TSR
Funimation has acquired the third season of Full Metal Panic. Volume 1 of Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid will be released October 3. ADV Films released the previous seasons of FMP.
ADV Announces Jinki:Extend
ADV Announced at their Anime Boston panel today that they will be releasing the Jinki:Extend TV anime series. ADV already released the manga series.
Funimation Announces Beck
Funimation announced at the Anime Boston Panel, that they would be releasing BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad. The series will be co-directed by Taliesin Jaffe and Chris Bevins, with Mike McFarland as music director.
Gunsmith Cats Burst, Re-Release in 2007
Gunsmith Cats Burst will be issued in the first half of 2007, according to Dark Horse’s Carl Horn. They will also re-release the original Gunsmith Cats unflipped with “80 pages of additional material not previously available in English.”
First Fruit of Appleseed 2
Famitsu Magazine has published the first image of the second Appleseed theatrical movie. The film is directed by Shinji Aramaki, produced by John Woo, and scheduled for release next year in Japan.
Media Blasters to Co-Produce New Kite OVA
At last weekend’s Anime Boston convention, Media Blasters announced plans to co-produce a new Kite OVA, possibly for release next year. The 45 minute long OVA will feature an entirely new cast and story similar to the original Kite.
Negima OVA Website Opened
Starchild has opened its official Japanese homepage for the upcoming Maho Sensei Negima OVA series.
The Pillows in San Francisco
The Pillows have added another gig to their North American tour next month: June 28 at Slim’s in San Francisco.
New My Hime PC Game Trailer Available
4Gamer now hosts a downloadable WMV format trailer for the upcoming Japanese PC adventure game My Hime: Unmei no Keitoujyu Shura. The revised edition of the Unmei no Keitoujyu game will be released on June 30th.
First Anime Evolution Guests
Kumiko Kato and ZZ will perform at Anime Evolution, August 19-21 in Vancouver.
ADV will make Azumanga Daioh, DNAngel, Elfen Lied, Gilgamesh, Godannaar, Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi, and other titles available for download through HandHeld Entertainment’s ZVUE.com.
Tees, Totes from ADV
ADV has opened an online store with t-shirts, tote bags, and other merchandise from Azumanga Daioh, Chrono Crusade, and eight other shows.
Naruto Powers Toonami Ratings Surge
9 p.m. Saturday ratings up 111% from May 2005
Jake – The Hadokings Podcast
Hanbun no Tsuki ga Noboru Sora
Gundam Seed
Dead Leaves
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We’ve got a great show this week. We celebrate being #7 on Podcast Pickle, shooting for #1. We review Rurouni Kenshin, Jyu Oh Sei, Ergo Proxy and Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu (The melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya).
Rurouni Kenshin – Wouldn’t kick it out of bed for crackers.
Jyu Oh Sei – Wouldn’t kick it out of bed for crackers.
Ergo Proxy – Wait until it hits the US and NetFlix it.
Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu – Download Now!
Show Notes
Julie-sensei sent us An-pan and Melon-pan from the Nakamura Bakery in Toronto. Mmmm Mmmm Good!
Live Action Princess Princess Announced
Princess Princess D, a live action television version of Mikiyo Tsuda’s bishonen comedy manga series Princess Princess, will premier on the TV Asahi network June 28th. The anime version of Princess Princess is airing now.
Babes of ADV
IGN’s Babes page continues its coverage of the “Babes of Anime” with an interview & photo-shoot featuring Taylor Hannah.
First Look at Appleseed 2
Famitsu Magazine has published the first promotional image of the second Appleseed theatrical movie, titled “Ex Machina.” The film is being directed by Shinji Aramaki and produced by John Woo. Reportedly Woo has had some creative involvement in the new movie’s story development and action scenes. According to IGN, the movie is scheduled for Japanese release next year.
Bleach Movie In December
ANN has confirmed that the much-rumored Bleach movie will premiere in Japan this December. Commercials for the film have already started airing, but not much else is known about it.
FUNimation to Distribute TOKYOPOP Video
FUNimation has announced that it is now the exclusive North American distributor for numerous home video titles licensed and formerly distributed by TOKYOPOP, including Great Teacher Onizuka (GTO), Marmalade Boy, Initial D, and more.
New Kujian Anime
No Genshiken Season 2
Anime Expo Hotels Sold Out… But Not Sold Out
Rooms Still Available at the Hilton, But not at Special Rate.
New Anime Series from Kenshin Creator
Rurouni Kenshin creator Nobuhiro Watsuki‘s Buso Renkin will be adapted into an anime series this fall, according to Anime News Service. Viz Media is releasing volume 1 of the Buso Renkin manga in August.
Ergo Proxy
Jyu Oh Sei
Rurouni Kenshin
Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu
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Rukia’s in the house. In addition to our normal schtik we review Aishiteruze Baby, Kiba, Tampopo and Fate/Stay Night.
Aishiteruze Baby – Wouldn’t kick it out of bed for Crackers.
Kiba – Wouldn’t kick it out of bed for Crackers.
Tampopo – Wouldn’t kick it out of bed for Crackers.
Fate/Stay Night – Wouldn’t kick it out of bed for Crackers/Download Now!
Show Notes
Death Note Anime Coming in Fall
The smash hit manga Death Note not only has a movie on the horizon, but an anime as well. AnimeNation reports that it will be adapted into an anime and premeire this fall in Japan, but no word on who will be doing the animation.
Eva Unit 01 Bicycle
“Defeat Angels while riding to school!” says Akadot. This kind of thing doesn’t come cheap, though. It seems that Bandai is going to produce a limited number of bicycles based on the design of Eva Unit 01. Getting one will set you back $450–and that’s ignoring the cost of shipping.
Evangelion 10th Anniversary Box Set
Diamond Updates has the scoop on a new ADV product. Or maybe “new” isn’t the word we should be using, since the product in question is yet another Neon Genesis Evangelion box set. It seems to be scheduled to come out in August. But with “a deluxe case and a plethora of commemorative items,” not to mention a price tag of around $250, it’s obviously not aimed at those of us with tiny wallets.
Dark Horse Editor on Appleseed, Hellsing
New Appleseed Hypernotes, entire Shirow catalogue unflipped with new material
Animal Crossing Movie Image
Today, AnimeNation noticed that Dengeki Online has posted the film’s first promotional image. Just be warned that it’s an “early concept design,” so the final character artwork might be different.
CPM Signs with Consortium
Becomes book distributor’s first graphic novel publisher.
Cromartie High to End
The Cromartie High School manga is set to terminate with its final installment in next week’s release of Weekly Shounen Magazine #25, on sale May 24.
Mainstream Moe Raises Artist’s Ire
Manga artist Mimei Sakamoto rips Japan’s moe culture in an upcoming issue of Shukan Bunshun. “This fetish you call ‘moe’ is a pedophiliac fetish and is nothing more than perversion,” she says. “In other countries, they’d call what you’re fantasizing over ‘child pornography’ and you’d all be arrested.”
Yutaka Izubuchi at Anime Expo
Anime Expo has announced that mecha designer Yutaka Izubuchi will be a guest of honor at this year’s event.
Maid Cafe Opens in Thailand
A maid cafe has opened in Bangkok’s Siam Square. The owner says it serves an average of 300 customers per weekday and 1300 on weekends.
Fate/Stay Night
Aishiteruze Baby
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This week we review the new seasons of Ah! My Goddess and Tsubasa Resevior Chronicle. We also review xxxHolic.
Ah! My Goddess: Sorezore no Tsubasa – Download Now!
xxxHolic – Download Now!
Tsubasa Resevior Chronicle: Season Two – Download Now!
Show Notes
ADV Films Website Hacked
ADV Films’ Website has been defaced by a Turkish group called “ayyildiz”.
Bernie Mac Joins Transformers Movie
The BBC reports Bernie Mac and Josh Duhamel have signed onto Michael Bay’s upcoming Transformers movie. Mac will reportedly play a salesman who gives star Shia LaBeouf his first Transformer. The $100 million film comes out July 2007.
Monkey Punch Coming to Metrocon
Lupin III creator Monkey Punch will be a guest of honor at Metrocon, June 2-4 in Tampa, FL.
D’espairsRay at AnimeNext
Gothic rock group D’espairsRay will perform at AnimeNext, June 16-18 in Secaucus, NJ.
Death Note, XXXHOLiC Novels in the Works
Author Nisho Ishin announced here and here that he will write novelizations of Death Note and XXXHOLiC. Both books will be released August 1 in Japan.
Ugly Yet Beautiful Trailer Online
IGN hosts a trailer for Studio Gainax’s This Ugly Yet Beautiful World. Volume 1 comes out July 4.
Final Fantasy XIII Trailer Online
Check it out here.
Gundam Seed Destined for Movie
A Gundam Seed Destiny movie is in the works, Sunrise announced yesterday at the Sony Music Anime Fes’ 06. It will be the first original Gundam film since 1991.
John O’Donnell Interview Online
Anime Pulse now hosts an audio interview with text transcript with Central Park Media Managing Director John O’Donnell. The hour long interview discusses CPM, fansubbers, electronic distribution, and the future of the anime industry.
Musician Masahiro Kawasaki Dies
Masahiro Kawasaki, the composer of Street Fighter, Ninja Scroll, and Dagger of Kamui, passed away Thursday. He was 56.
Digital Manga New Acquisitions
Digital Manga has announced the acquisition of Princess Princess by Mikiyo Tsuda and Enchanter by Izumi Kawachi. The first volume of the Enchanter is due out on July 1, while the first volume of the Princess Princess manga is due out in November. Digital Manga will bring Izumi Kawachi to Anime Expo 2006 as a guest.
Ah! My Goddess: Sorezore no Tsubasa
Tsubasa Resevoir Chronicle: Season Two
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This week we review some great series. Batou does Princess Princess, Chigo does Lingerie Senshi Papillon Rose, and I do Full Moon wo Sagashite.
Princess Princess – Wouldn’t kick it out of bed for crackers.
Lingerie Senshi Papillon Rose – Wait until it hits the US and Netflix it/Wouldn’t kick it out of bed for crackers.
Full Moon wo Sagashite – Download Now!
Show Notes
New Voice Clips
Thanks to Scott Fletcher for his great work on our new one-liners. Check him out for your voice acting needs.
Advent Children #2 on VideoScan
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children ranked a “surprise” #2 on VideoScan’s First Alert sales chart in its first week, beating the DVD premieres of Tristan & Isolde (#4), Match Point (#7), and Casanova (#8). Exact sales figures were not available.
Hikaru no Go and Shingu on iaTV
Hikaru no Go will premiere on iaTV this coming Tuesday. It will be aired with Japanese dialogue and subtitles every Tuesday at 8pm and re-aired with the dub Saturdays at noon. Shingu: Secret of the Stellar Wars will premiere at 8:30pm on Tuesday May 9 subbed. Both will be completely uncut. Hikaru no Go will also include the “Go Go Igo!” live action instructional segments.MIT Japanese Culture Symposium Recording Online
MIT Japanese Culture Symposium Recording Online
Anime Pulse now hosts a transcript and audio recording of three of the lectures presented at the recent MIT “Violence and Desire in Japanese Popular Culture” academic symposium. Transcripts and an audio recording are available for Professor Anne Allison of Duke University on Pokemon capitalism and desire, CPM founder John O’Donnell speaking on otaku entrepreneurs and anime distribution in the US, and MIT professor Ian Condry on fansubs, piracy and global media.Mick Takeuchi Coming to Anime Expo (2006-05-02 09:16:55)
Mick Takeuchi Coming to Anime Expo
Mick Takeuchi, creator of Her Majesty’s Dog, will attend Anime Expo as a Guest of Honor. The convention runs July 1-4 in Anaheim.
Tokyopop Starts Young Adult Fiction Line
Tokyopop is launching a line of young adult fiction under the Pop Fiction imprint. The first titles will be Scrapped Princess, Kino no Tabi: Book One of The Beautiful World, and Witches’ Forest: The Adventures of Duan Surk. The books are scheduled to street in October.
Watanabe Interview Audio Online
The CBC’s Pedro Mendes conducted a 13-minute interview with Shinichiro Watanabe while the Samurai Champloo director was in Detroit. Audio of the full interview, which discusses how hip hop culture intersects with Samurai Champloo, is available here.
Details on Hayao Miyazaki’s Next Film Tomorrow
TBS’s News23 program conducted a 15 minute interview with Hayao Miyazaki for its May 5 edition. The program guide says, “Hayao Miyazaki talks about ‘Japanese children’ on Children’s Day… and his next film!” Studio Ghibli has noted that tomorrow’s News23 is “unmissable.”
Hyde Adds Hollywood, Fillmore Gigs
L’Arc~en~Ciel’s Hyde will appear at Hollywood’s House of Blues on July 3 and the Fillmore in San Francisco on July 6. This is in addition to his perviously announced concerts at House of Blues Anaheim and Slim’s in San Francisco on July 2 and July 5. Tickets go on sale Sunday at 1pm Eastern.
LA Area College to Display Banned Manga Book
Barstow Community College orders copies of Paul Gravett’s Manga, 60 Years Of Japanese Comics following its removal from local libraries.
Oh! My Goddess Pre-Order for $29
AnimEigo has received their first shipment of the Oh! My Goddess OAV Collector’s Edition and is selling it from their website for $29.95 ahead of the regular June release. The SRP in June will be $39.98. An upgrade for people who bought the original DVDs is available for $15.
Full Moon wo Sagashite
Lingerie Senshi Papillon Rose
Princess Princess
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Enjoy and exclusive interview that Rangiku and I had with John O’Donnell, the managing director of Central Park Media. CPM is one of the oldest American Anime distributors, and John was a pleasure to talk to.
We spoke with John just over an hour on his company, fansubbers, electronic distribution, and the future of the industry. We found John to be honest and candid, someone that we want to be involved with the industry.
Places to get CPM Anime online:
Below is the transcript from the session, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view.
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Enjoy the first of three parts of Rangiku’s special report from MIT. On 4/14 and 4/15/2006 MIT hosted a symposium on “Cool Japan”.
This session was entitled “Violence and Desire in Japanese Popular Culture: Anime Capitalism”. It ran from 2-4pm on 4/15/2006.
The people and topics covered:
Professor Anne Allison (Duke University) on Pokemon capitalism and desire
John O’Donnell (founder, Central Park Media) on Otaku entrepreneurs and anime distribution in the US
Professor Ian Condry (MIT) on fansubs, piracy and global media
Below is the transcript from the session, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view.