Episode 775: Fall 2022 Previews #3

This week on Anime Pulse we got adorable cat girls, Yuru Camp getting a 3rd season, and an update on Scott-loves-Anime. Up first Joseph has decided on which version of the next Pokemon game he plans to get, and Andrew wants to know what specific moment from an anime we would want to experience if we could. Then in the industry news it’s a meatless sandwich or a pizza if you will, as Andrew talks about Death Notes return and one of his #1 shows ever gets another season. Lastly in the previews the guys split off from joint work, and focus on solo stuff. Joseph wakes up to discover he has become a sword with excellent farming skills, and Andrew become a loli Tim Allen who builds a guitar to rock with.

Show Notes


Intro – “Japanese Style Trap Beat” by Annex from Royalty Free Anime Music

Outro“Neko Mimi Mode by Dimitri from Paris from Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase


I’ve Somehow Gotten Stronger When I Improved My Farm Related Skills

Reincarnated as a Sword

Do It Yourself!

Bocchi the Rock!


Netflix Death Note Returns

Cute Girls Do Camping Things