Popcorn Pulse 224: Detroit Hills

Everyone, may I have your attention please? Listen up, I need everybody to stop what you’re doing. I’m Axel Foley, Federal Anime Inspector, everyone stop drawing, inking. Except for you, you finish up them tiddies. That is an anime girl with the boom, if you know what I’m saying. She’d better not be in high school or we’re going to have a serious problem.

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Manga Pulse 517: Blue vs Blew

Is it really that time again? Oh crap, we have to pick a manga. Or two. We could probably go through the requests. But that would take some sort of effort. Everyone knows we don’t ply effort to things like selection. That’s reserved for silly things like selecting the toppings for carryout or gently handling golf clubs. We did find two, in spite of the effort it took. We hope you enjoy the discussion they’re sure to prompt.

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Popcorn Pulse 223:Sex Train

All aboard! Maniacal laughter echoing into the distance. What do you mean, don’t say that part? It’s written in the script you gave me. I don’t know what kind of amateur hour circus you have going here. You’re clearly hiring me to do a knock off introduction of Crazy Train which will probably get you copyright struck. I don’t care enough to fight you on it, I’m just paid flat rate to read what’s on the page. I’ll let you sort this out while I talk about movies.

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Manga Pulse 516: Yankee Girls

We founded a new company. We don’t have a charter, funding, or any kind of plan. But we will be offering a Kickstarter. That’s still a thing, right? We pride ourselves on being on the leading edge of trends. See also our brand new NFTs.(Please note this is a joke and don’t worry that we are making NFTs far too late in the party.)

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Popcorn Pulse 222: To Catch a Spader

There’s a fascinating era of Hollywood where they just loved making Jack the Ripper into part of a film. This could often manifest as as garbage like Terror at London Bridge where Jack gets resurrected. Or Time After Time where Jack, played by the incredible David Warner, time travels to modern day Los Angeles and begins killing there. But how about a movie that references Jack the Ripper but does nothing with it? Enter, Jack’s Back (1988).

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Manga Pulse 515: Black-Chan

Looks like the boys are back in town. By that, we mean the two hosts you’ve come to know an love so, so much. And by town we mean the manga that evident by the title and number attached. So won’t it be a surprise to everyone when we actually spend the whole time reviewing a pair of riding lawn mowers.

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Popcorn Pulse 221: Death Sex

Imagine it’s the year two thousand. The President rules America as he travels Europe. After twenty plus years, he’s still vital and oversees our national pastime, Death Race 2000(1975). Fan favorite racer , Frankenstein returns to compete once more along with a few newcomers. Who will collect the most points and kill as they race from New York to L.A.? Those of us in the future know the answer but we’d like you to try this with fresh eyes.

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Manga Pulse 514: Blade of Mother

Price check on manga. I need a price check on manga. Yes, I am aware this is a supermarket price check gag and that it was old even back in the eighties. Which means it’s beyond not relevant to make one now. Maybe we could do a random department page over the intercom. Grocery stores still do that. They also do those funny announcements about security like that deters shoplifters.

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Popcorn Pulse 220: No Hawk

It’s Monday, folks. At least when we’re recording. It also is often when we post because that’s our schedule. But even if it’s one of the other six days of the week, treat it like it’s Monday. By that we mean groan, clock in not more than a second before you’re obligated, and glare at the first people you interact with. Then brace yourself for discussion of movies.

We start us off with Hudson Hawk(1991). Depending on how long you’ve been familiar with the man, you might better recognize him as Mister Action star with the patented glower of someone who has less than a minute to get to the toilet. This is Bruce, just as known for Diehard as he was Moonlighting, Willis. The man who loves music and plays his own harmonica at Blues sessions. There’s a plot but we’ll get into that in a recording.

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Manga Pulse 513: MachFut

Oh my goodness, things are moving along again. That means a post is due. Have we done something about leaves being raked? Does that work for anything? No? Crap. We’ll cut right to the brass tacks then. This is a manga show and we’ve managed to read and produce a review for two. We hope you’ll listen, like, subscribe, and send two box tops plus proof of purchase along with a check for shipping to claim your prize.

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