Manga Pulse522: Smoking Daughter

What do you do with a drunken sailor? You could fine him and send him off with his purse a little lighter. Or, hear me out, you could give him a podcast wherein he talks about manga. Now, we may not be sailors but we have been on a boat and been intoxicated. So we should qualify as be brought a couple of manga.

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Manga Pulse 521: Pole Girl

We’re going to review a manga, review a manga. Like Johnny Two Times, we does everything double. Or perhaps like a cheeseburger that’s better with a second patty. You will enjoy our reviews and we will include the pickles no matter what you input at the kiosk. We just assume you made a mistake and will correct it at our convenience. And if we catch you throwing that pickle away? There will be onions to pay. Did we mention that someone got into the allergy medicine?

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Manga Pulse 520: Juvenile Ending

Unlike a certain movie character, you aren’t required to say our show name thrice to summon us. For that we will appear after only two. And even then it will only be because you subscribed to our feed or at least checked the website. So nothing like the striped man played by Michael Keaton. Though we both have had a Zagnut. Onto the manga.

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Manga Pulse 519: Dr Freeze

What year is it, you might ask as you look over the listings for local movies. “The Crow?” You say, beleaguered and weary. The dust of sleep making you sound like Kermit the Frog while recovering from laryngitis. You should seek out those stalwart reviewers of manga to steady your nerves. Perhaps a good discussion of a pair of manga by a pair of hosts will settle your time vertigo.

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Manga Pulse 517: Blue vs Blew

Is it really that time again? Oh crap, we have to pick a manga. Or two. We could probably go through the requests. But that would take some sort of effort. Everyone knows we don’t ply effort to things like selection. That’s reserved for silly things like selecting the toppings for carryout or gently handling golf clubs. We did find two, in spite of the effort it took. We hope you enjoy the discussion they’re sure to prompt.

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Manga Pulse 516: Yankee Girls

We founded a new company. We don’t have a charter, funding, or any kind of plan. But we will be offering a Kickstarter. That’s still a thing, right? We pride ourselves on being on the leading edge of trends. See also our brand new NFTs.(Please note this is a joke and don’t worry that we are making NFTs far too late in the party.)

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Manga Pulse 515: Black-Chan

Looks like the boys are back in town. By that, we mean the two hosts you’ve come to know an love so, so much. And by town we mean the manga that evident by the title and number attached. So won’t it be a surprise to everyone when we actually spend the whole time reviewing a pair of riding lawn mowers.

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Manga Pulse 514: Blade of Mother

Price check on manga. I need a price check on manga. Yes, I am aware this is a supermarket price check gag and that it was old even back in the eighties. Which means it’s beyond not relevant to make one now. Maybe we could do a random department page over the intercom. Grocery stores still do that. They also do those funny announcements about security like that deters shoplifters.

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Manga Pulse 513: MachFut

Oh my goodness, things are moving along again. That means a post is due. Have we done something about leaves being raked? Does that work for anything? No? Crap. We’ll cut right to the brass tacks then. This is a manga show and we’ve managed to read and produce a review for two. We hope you’ll listen, like, subscribe, and send two box tops plus proof of purchase along with a check for shipping to claim your prize.

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Manga Pulse 512: Red Secretary

If you’re reading this then you’re probably hearing about all the issues on website posts. Which is ironic because the only way this shows up is that the issues are resolved. One of those kind of funny paradoxes where you get to hear about it for the next couple of episodes now that it’s all done. It’s kind of like getting the results back from a cancer screening after you’ve already had surgery to remove a growth. If it helps, we’ve been keeping up with the recordings at least so we have manga.

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