Episode 585: High Score Yokio

This week on Anime Pulse the show is coming to the end of the year as they celebrate Christmas and bad anime, but first IRL news sweeps in with Joseph’s holiday spirit and Andrew needs to study for an exam retest but plans to be playing some Nintendo games instead. Such is the life of a student. Afterwards the two dash though Industry News, with topics like the Kanji of the Year, harassment of an animation studio, and the closure of an anime themed market in Tokyo. And finally the reviews drop down the chimney as Joseph fills your stocking with a competent RomCom, and Andrew dyes his hair pink and complains about his existential dread while eating a Toblerone.

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Episode 570: Summer 2018 Previews #4

Another week, another episode of Anime Pulse. On this show Joseph has gone full Shokugeki on some chicken breast, and Andrew went skiing into some big burley men. Industry news sees topics like anime previews on YouTube being too risqué, and a top politician in Japan dressing up like Kirito. This is also our fourth and final week of full-on previews with Joseph talking about a gamer girl, and Andrew lining up and knocking down several anime about cute girls doing funny things.

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