Episode 646: Iron Chef Shokugeki

Recording from their underground bunker in the middle of nowhere, Joseph and Andrew have survived another week of the deadly zombie outbreak to bring you one more episode of anime reviews, news, and the latest survival tips. Up first is IRL news as Joseph has talks about his new favorite manga, and Andrew wants to know what the deciding factors are for your choosing of anime to watch. Afterwards the industry news brings us topics like the odd things Otakus will pay the big bucks for, Funimation rearing its ugly head, and good news for organizers of Comiket. And lastly comes a fusion review of the forth season of Food Wars, as the guys prepare to make the jump into the new spring season of anime.

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Episode 628: Fall 2019 Previews #6

Being surrounded by a sea of otaku, the positive influence for anime, and cooking anime. These and more topics are what you’ll find on this week’s episode of Anime Pulse. First up IRL is out like a flash with The Outer Worlds still failing to hook Joseph and Andrew seeks out the answer to if anime has been a positive or negative influence on your life; with examples. Afterwards the industry news brings us topics like a monster-girl doctor anime, marrying otakus, and anime artists worrying their work is killing their love for industry. And finally we have reached our final episode of previews for this season, as Joseph cooks up a cayenne dish for a study group of girls and Andrew tries to decide whether to join a club of cute girls with guns or delusional pretty boys.

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