Yesterday Viz Media announced That the Anime series Naruto, Bleach, and Death Note would now be available for purchase from the iTunes store. Currently available are the first forty-seven episodes of Bleach, the first twenty-five episodes of Naruto “Uncut”, and all thirty-seven episodes of Death Note. You can buy these titles for $27.99, $22.99, and $31.99 respectively.
If you do not have iTunes, these titles and more can be found at Direct2Drive and Totlavid services. While they are only available dubbed this is a step in the right direction. With more Anime becoming available by multiple direct download providers, it is only a matter of time before subtitled Anime is available for purchase.
Anime News Network
iTunes Store
$2.00 and episode for bleach !!! id by that if it was japanese subs. cause dubs suck…..
but a step in the right direction