VG Pulse 005: Mario and Sonic Save Easter

Welcome the fifth VG Pulse podcast. Everyone is together this week NInJa shows some new skill he learned in secret NinJa school. We talk Game Room, server rental and how Psyghost likes 12 on 12 man action. Go Go Chocobo this is VG Pulse.


Opening Vamo’ Alla Flamenco – The Black Mages Get it now on iTunes


Zenonia 2 – Download it Now
it’s by Gamevil and available now on the iTunes App store.

Street Fighter 2 HD Turbo Remix – Download it Now
it’s by Capcom and available now on Play Station Network and The Xbox Live market place

Battlefield Bad Company 2 – Wouldn’t kick it out of bed for Crackers
it’s by EA and available now For Playstation3, Xbox360 and PC

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0 Replies to “VG Pulse 005: Mario and Sonic Save Easter”

  1. “Well, actually” post:

    regarding “ChromeOS” being Linux based, all Android phones, Kindle and Nook ebook readers, Palm Pre’s WebOS, TiVo, Nokia 900 and tons of other things are Linux based. I don’t want to get into details, as it’s gaming show, just throwing it in.

    your local UNIX nerd, Emil.

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