ShakeLOVE says goodbye

Starting tomorrow you will be hearing the voices of Millenniumx17 and DarkGodAkito on VGpulse. They are the replacement host for myself(ShakeLOVE) and Rainy who will no longer be hosting VG Pulse. Rhynoo will be sticking around for a few weeks to help out. I would like to thank all of you that help get the show going by emailing your comments and suggestion. I enjoyed my brief time here on the Anime Pulse network. I have left the show in very capable hands.

Thank all of you again,


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0 Replies to “ShakeLOVE says goodbye”

  1. I hope you read this, what happened was it the month long of no episodes and why is Rainy leaving too? But even though you were late you were funny and entertaining, infact VG ep:1 was my first show I listened to and I liked you and Psyghost and Ninja when you guys started. So to the best of luck and who knows maybe you could guest host on the other shows from time to time.

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