VG Pulse 58: Hacker Physics

In this random grab bag episode, we talk about a little bit of everything and nothing at the same time. The news is a shotgun pattern of a little bit of good, a little bit of bad and some in between. While at the same time being only loosely relevent. Then its off to the forums to get everyones thoughts on the recent hackings that have been going down lately. Not suprisingly everyone who posted has strong feelings on the subject. To wrap up this episode DarkGod is here with an Iphone/Ipod Touch game to review. Just before she leaves for 3 weeks to the United Kingdom. All that and more with anime inspired intro and outro themes to boot. Good times inside, Listen in to find out.

Show Notes


Intro – Guns & Roses by Paridise Lunch
Outro – Hitomi No Tsubasa by Access


Cat Physics – Iphone, Ipod touch – IOS Apple Rating “4+”
DarkGodAkito – Buy it Now
Itunes Store


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