VG Pulse 65: Newz and Filler

Well, Here is the first of two half shows as the schedual is rearranged. In this episode we go over the news and the forums. While we thought it would only go 30 minutes, we ramble on for 47. The news is a standard mixed bag of everything, we get started with the riots in London and how they are relevent to video games. We end with the world record holder for highest gamerscore and his ongoing attempts to reach 1 million points. Then its off to the forum to get your thoughts on video game advertising. There is no review this episode so DarkGod and myself start making up filler at this point, but it’s all good. Not to mention I edited the podcast in a hurry, so if there is anything I forgot to takeout, it just became part of the show. Listen in to find out.

Show Notes


Intro – Ukiyo Crossing by UVERworld
Outro – The Nyan Cat


No Review this episode


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