VG Pulse 71: Driving Squishy Mages

This week Kas is back once again to spice up the mix. It’s a good thing too cause there is no news to speak of. Just a small handfull of what i can find. Its enough to get by. From goverments trying to control your lives to what qwickster actually means. Then we drop into the forums to see what your prefered dificulty setting is. We also strike upon the episode name mid forums as well. Then it is off to the review that I’ve been playing for the last week. Driver San Fransisco goes under the microscope to determine its worth. Which leads to an explanation on what I feel difficulty actually is. Good Times Inside, Listen in to find out.

Show Notes


Intro – Grounds for Divorce by Elbow as heard in the video game Driver San Francisco
Outro – On Your Knees by The Herbaliser as heard in the video game Driver San Francisco


Driver San Francisco – Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360, PS3 – ESRB “T”
MillenniumX17 – Crackers
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Ubisoft Uplay Pass Problem Forum


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