VG Pulse 75: Rocking Out

In this weeks episode the news is not all that exciting, except if you would like GTA V to be announced. We look into the teaser image with great care. We go over other stuff and make due in this slow news time of the holiday release season. In the forums we look into your thoughts on midnight releases. Then its off to the review and it is a special one. Today I review Ubisofts entry to the music game genre, Rocksmith. Since it uses a real guitar to play, my guitar makes an appearance as well. I use my Schecter C-1 Hellraiser and Carvin V3M during the review as backup. Good times, Listen in to find out.

Show Notes


Intro – Intro to the video game Rocksmith
Outro – Take Me Out by Franz Ferdinand

Battlefield Simulator
Duck Hunt Movie


Rocksmith – Xbox 360, PS3, Microsoft Windows – ESRB “T”
MillenniumX17 – Crackers
Official Site


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