VG Pulse 298: Glass Towers

This week on VG Pulse, we have an extra spicy show! We start off with a shout-out to a friend of mine who drew something very special for us, before diving into a lengthy discussion/rant about the media’s response to the recent Parkland School shooting in Florida, before we go over what little real news we managed to gather up! After the news, Millennium gives a review on the 1998 Yoot Tower, and I give a First Look on NieR: Automata! After the news, we finish off with a surprising review of a VERY slimy anime, as well as discussing our thoughts on the third season of Shakugan No Shana! All this and more up next on VGP 298, now with extra hot sauce! -Aki

Also don’t forget, we have a forum topic up that we’ll be going over next show!! Link here!!

Show Notes

Intro – Tetris A Theme Guitar Cover by FamilyJules
Outro – Tetris B Theme Guitar Cover by FamilyJules

Politicians blame Video Games Again!!
US Senator Inquiring to ESRB on Loot Boxes
Tax on Violent Video Games for Rhode Island?
Spyro Trilogy Remaster on PS4
Burnout Paradise Remaster “Accidentally” Listed with Microtransactions

Yoot Tower – PC, Mac – ESRB “E”
MillenniumX17 – Gamefly

First Look
Nier: Automata – PS4, PC – DarkGodAkito
Official Site


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5 Replies to “VG Pulse 298: Glass Towers”

  1. Millennium, if you want to play some more tower management sims, there are Project Highrise games on Steam, from 2016 and 2017. Also, there are also tower games on IOS, like Tiny Tower.

    I have been playing the original Nier. While it doesn’t have the same protagonists or the same conflict as Automotoa, it does have the same mix of gameplay. In certain areas, you’ll go from regular third person action to side-scrolling. Also, there’s a lot of the twin stick shooter gameplay, where spheres of different colors will be shot at you, and you have to either destroy them or avoid them. There’s even a text-based area of the game. The creator (I forget his name) is much like Kojima. His strange gameplay and narrative touches make him unforgettable. No one has forgotten him since he had those weird endings in Drakengard 3.

    1. Also, anime reviews?! In my video gaming podcast?! It’s more likely than you think! Next thing you know, we are going to see AP and MP reviewing games… 😛

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