Yoji Totsuka became famous when he discovered that the elementary particle called neutrinos have mass. Totsuka who had been a special emeritus professor at the University of Tokyo won Japan’s Continue reading “Top Japanese physicist dies”
Stars shine on natural disaster
On May 12th 2008 in the Sichuan province in china there was an earthquake that took the lives of 69,196 people. This tradgedy makes its mark in the history books as the 19th most deadly eartquake of all time. The most deadliest earthquake of all time was Tangshan China in 1976 with 242,419 dead. Continue reading “Stars shine on natural disaster”
Man who issued death threat against Mizuki Nana arrested
A man who allegedly issued a death threat June 19th on 2ch against … (Mizuki Nana) was arrested the day prior to her July 5th LIVE FIGHTER concert in Yoyogi (between Harajuku and Shinjuku in Tokyo).
Part of the threat posted on 2ch was. This roughly reads “You can all relax. I will use a 2 ton truck and a dagger to kill Mizuki Nana and her fans in Yoyogi.” Continue reading “Man who issued death threat against Mizuki Nana arrested”
Shokotan blogs in English for AX
Shokotan, the amazing blogging idol, is keeping an english blog during her stay at AX. So if you’ve always wanted to know what the fuss is about but can’t read Japanese, now you can check it out.