Manga Pulse 63: Shakugan no Tennis

Tim is ANGRY and we don’t know why. There is absolutely no Manga news this week, we just rant a little about emails then go into our reviews, and oh what reviews they are… I review Shakugan no Shana which seams to have been written by a 4th grader, and the enchanter reviews Prince of Tennis, I didn’t like the manga but I didn’t review it… Yay for dots…

Shakugan no Shana – Read it at Borders.
Prince of Tennis – Wouldn’t kick it out of bed for crackers.

Show Notes


Intro – Aishiteru by Kourin from Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou
Outro – Neko Mimi Mode by Dimitri From Paris from Tsukiyomi Moon Phase


Shakugan no Shana
Anime News Network

Prince of Tennis
Anime News Network

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0 Replies to “Manga Pulse 63: Shakugan no Tennis”

  1. 1. No, I don’t wear underwear up to my chest. Those are granny panties.

    2. When I’m with one of my friends, I’ll ask her “So, how’s pot lately?”. Not one of my favourites but I’m not a fan of tennis so I wouldn’t really read a book about male tennis players. Even bishi ones. All I have to say is that PoT was originally made for GUYS but then girls really loved it

    3. Blood types are related to personalities, since that is harder to change then other stuff like hair colour and gender :p

  2. Nice show! like always the more you listen to manga pulse the more you learn.

    1) Ms. Rice is a tranny Prince
    2) some people will make a manga of ANYTHING (ie: weltall’s manga)
    3) Uryū is shooting blanks
    4) THE CHIEF IS UP MY A** (i love that line!)

  3. 1) Ms. Rice is a tranny Prince
    2) some people will make a manga of ANYTHING (ie: weltall’s manga)
    3) Uryū is shooting blanks
    4) THE CHIEF IS UP MY A** (i love that line!)


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