Manga Pulse 66: Case Debut

We have news. Who would have seen that one coming. I review a shojo manga and in doing so decide to give our first official dating advice, well it’s kinda advise. Ok it just us complaining but… shut up. Leave me alone. Just listen to this great episode.

High School Debut – Even if you receive it as a present, burn the book and piss on the ashes.
Case Closed – Read it at Borders.

Show Notes


Intro – Rideback by Mell from Rideback
Outro – Neko Mimi Mode by Dimitri From Paris from Tsukiyomi Moon Phase


High School Debut
Anime News Network

Case Closed
Anime News Network

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0 Replies to “Manga Pulse 66: Case Debut”

  1. good episode. but if i have to share my wisdom then i would have to say, 2 wrongs don’t make a right, but 3 rights make a left.

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