Manga Pulse 85: Courntey Ai

I was sick and have been really busy with my new job so I have to apologize for the show being late. We are getting caught up and will have the next episode out on time. As you can probably see we review the same manga, there is a good reason for this and to find out you must listen.

Princess Ai – Even if you receive it as a present, burn the book and piss on the ashes.
Princess Ai – Even if you receive it as a present, burn the book and piss on the ashes.

Show Notes


Intro – My Answer by Seamo from Naruto: Shippuuden
Outro – Neko Mimi Mode by Dimitri From Paris from Tsukiyomi Moon Phase


Princess Ai
Anime News Network

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0 Replies to “Manga Pulse 85: Courntey Ai”

  1. Uhh..for some reason some of your show recordings are weird and cut in and out when you stop and start talking, which is kinda annoying. But yeah, love everything else besides the minor audio problems. Keep it up!

  2. Please tell me you guys didn’t buy this or at least shared a copy. I hate to think of her getting 2X royalties for this.

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