Manga Pulse 98: Vampire's Daydream

In this frilly episode that apparently goes well with a red wine, we tackle the age old question, why are my pants on backwards.
In between cursing fit to make a sailor blush we also look at some manga and crudely compare them to poultry. That’s our story and we’re sticking to it.

Ghost Talkers Daydream – Read it Now.
Vampire Knight – Read it at Borders.

Show Notes


Intro – Ring My Bell by Blue Drops from Sora no Otoshimono
Outro – Tip Toe Waltz by Yoko Kanno from Wolf’s Rain


Ghost Talkers Daydream
Anime News Network

Vampire Knight
Anime News Network

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0 Replies to “Manga Pulse 98: Vampire's Daydream”

  1. I remember reading Vampire Knight, and going WTF?? What’s with all the vampire crap lately? Is it because Tim sparkles in the sunlight and he’s looking for manga characters to relate to?? 😛

  2. I actually kinda liked vampire knight. I couldnt however get past the first story saga or whatever. Not very much actually happened till the very end and it was sorta just “eh whatever” the inbreeding was a “unique” twist though 🙂

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