Episode 247: Kurokami – Samurai Girls

I’ve got a good show this week. I talk about the news, have a good time going over the forum thread discussion and discuss some Anime. I do a preview of Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Girls and do a review of Kurokami The Animation. Don’t miss this one!

Show Notes


Intro – Sympathizer by Minami Kuribayashi from Kurokami The Animation
Outro – Neko Mimi Mode by Dimitri From Paris from Tsukiyomi Moon Phase


Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Girls
Anime News Network
Official Site

Kurokami The Animation – Wait until it hits the US and NetFlix it.
Official Site
Official Site (En)

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0 Replies to “Episode 247: Kurokami – Samurai Girls”

  1. That cursed Pedobear strikes again! It is good to see anime getting some love down in ol’ Scotland with these great movie titles. I wish you the best of luck with your wedding, Ichigo, and I look forward to seeing the pictures. Great job, Ichigo!

  2. “the breasts make me happy” <– awesome quote.

    I agree with you on fan service being extra, that's how 'service' is used in Japan right? Something extra.

  3. “”the breasts make me happy” <- awesome quote.

    I agree with you on fan service being extra, that's how 'service' is used in Japan right? Something extra.

    Yeah but i think that the fan service is getting a little overboard.

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