Fan Pulse Episode 15: One Does Not Simply Watch Sailor Moon

We’re back and we have a full cast again. Our guest this week is Valvarez. We don’t have many technical difficulties this time around but Val’s audio could have came out better. We talk about old shows we used to watch and Paltir’s mind gets blown by alcohol being delivered. We also try out our first segment of “Us watching stuff and ripping on it” and it was Birdy The Mighty Decode, though Paltir’s choice kinda fell through, good for the show not so good for us. We made it work. So tune in and enjoy the show.


OP: Sailor Moon English OP
ED: Birdy The Mighty Decode ED 1

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0 Replies to “Fan Pulse Episode 15: One Does Not Simply Watch Sailor Moon”

  1. So you can’t say anything bad about VG Pulse? Maybe you should do the opposite then. Maybe you should have someone from VG Pulse on! Kiss and make up!

    It’s funny that you can’t talk about VG Pulse, but in this podcast you basically stated that you’re the replacement for Anime Pulse.

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