Episode 389: The Devil Skips his Part-Time Job

We’re back! First show of the New Year! And TC’s first show as a married man! (That’s a lot of exclamations). We bring you the news, Discussion Question responses, and then Ichigo and Red review Skip Beat and Hataraku Maō-sama, while TC just sits there. Don’t miss it!

Show Notes


Intro – Dream Star by The Generous from Skip Beat
Outro – Neko Mimi Mode by Dimitri From Paris from Tsukiyomi Moon Phase


Skip Beat – Download Now!
Official Site

Hataraku Mao-sama – Download Now!
Official Site

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0 Replies to “Episode 389: The Devil Skips his Part-Time Job”

  1. 1. I’m not Japanese at all and I LOVE mayo on pizza. <3 YUMYUM
    2. Sailor Moon in July OMFG! SQUEE!
    3. I love you guys, keep up the awesome podcast. n__n

  2. Regarding my previous comment that the Skip Beat anime’s pacing “makes it feel like a shoujo manga”: I know that that was it’s source, but the pacing doesn’t let you forget it. I still really enjoyed it despite that.

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