VG Pulse 179: Next Trolls Game

This week on VGP, we are once again supervised even though Kas’s still recovering from her surgery, and we get right into side notes before diving into the news, where we talk about PS4 sales in Japan and Nintendo shutting down internet functions for the DS and Wii. After the news we go over the forums, and end off with Millennium’s first look of Next Car Game! All this and more up next on VGP179! -Aki

Show Notes


Intro – Super Mario Bros Overworld Guitar Cover by FamilyJules7X
Outro – Elder Scrolls Guitar Medley by FamilyJules7X

Let’s Play GTA 5
Let’s Play GTA Online
Trollin’ All The Time
Another One Sues GTA
Trials Fusion Release Date
Persona 5 To Come To North America
Last of Us Documentary
Titanfall Install Numbers

First Look

Next Car Game – Steam Early Access – ESRB NR – MillenniumX17
Official Site
Test Drive: Eve Of Destruction


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