VG Pulse 353: Modern Disaster

This week on VG Pulse, we still exist, we promise! We start out with side notes about the goings on of the past month and the state of the world in general right now, before diving into the regular news where we discuss the largely lackluster XBOX Series X showcase, Ubisoft’s current troubles and abuse allegations, and the Epic Games Store finally… somewhat coming into the modern age. After the news we go over the forum, before Millennium gives a review of Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare, and we end off with talk of anime! All this and more up next on VGP 352!! -Aki

Intro – Tetris A Theme Guitar Cover by FamilyJules
Outro – Tetris B Theme Guitar Cover by FamilyJules

Styxhexenhammer666 – The Brink of Catastrophe: Democrats have Destroyed A Third of the US Economy
Xbox Games Showcase Highlights
Ubisoft Harassment Scandals
Delayed User Reviews

Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare – XB1, PS4, PC – ESRB “M”
MillenniumX17 – Gamefly
Official Site


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