Manga Pulse 44: Reborn for Real

This duck soup episode of Manga Pulse, Tim the enchanter and I are sick. Make sure to check out this bacteria infested show.

Real – Read it at Boarders.
Reborn – Read it now.

Show Notes


Intro – Dream Wing by Kuribayashi Minami from Mai Otome
Outro – Neko Mimi Mode by Dimitri From Paris from Tsukiyomi Moon Phase


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Anime News Network

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0 Replies to “Manga Pulse 44: Reborn for Real”

  1. Ah, cold medicine the true answer to reading bad manga. With enough drugs anything can be good. Even President Bush’s ideas good if your stoned on benadryl.

  2. Merck does suck because I live near there head offices and if the power plaint that they own malts down I will go down with the company. great episode. M/^-^M/

  3. Can I request a picture of Margaret Thatcher made of office supplies?
    Let me tell ya, driving and listening to Manga Pulse does not a safe ride make (due to lulz).

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