Manga Pulse 144: Needles + 7 = Contest Winner

Contest, Contest, Contests. We done announce 2 contest winners. Not only do we have the usual pars of the show but I also do an update to Spice and Wolf. Apparently we had some audio issues in this one, that we will track and fix immediately

7 Billion Needles – Read it Now.
+Anima – Even if you receive it as a present, burn the book and piss on the ashes.

Show Notes


Intro – I don’t know what the enchanter used.
Outro – Tip Toe Waltz by Yoko Kanno from Wolf’s Rain


7 Billion Needles
Anime News Network

Anime News Network

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0 Replies to “Manga Pulse 144: Needles + 7 = Contest Winner”

  1. X) You ranted about the whole event-trial thing but that IS taught in certain Math classes. My Gr. 12 Data Management (math) class included those terms. It’s related to probability and statistics. 🙂

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