Manga Pulse 155: Saving Baku's Man

Wow, there are tons of emails, tons of news and I have the latest Spice & Wolf to talk about. It just doesn’t end…

Saving Life – Even if you receive it as a present, burn the book and piss on the ashes.
Bakuman -Wouldn’t kick it out of bed for crackers.

Show Notes


Intro – SemaCore by Semaphore
Outro – Tip Toe Waltz by Yoko Kanno from Wolf’s Rain


Saving Life
Anime News Network

Anime News Network

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0 Replies to “Manga Pulse 155: Saving Baku's Man”

  1. 1. Contest ideas
    a. trivia
    b. best caption to random pic
    c. fanart
    But, you know your listeners so, you should know what would work.
    2. dudes, you argue like an old jersey couple. 😛

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