VG Pulse 202: Technically Supervised

This week on VG Pulse, we have ezmails! Yes, two to be specific! We start off with sidenotes of melting laptops, great customer service at Wal-Mart, and new cars on the horizon. After the sidenotes, we dive into the ezmails and give a huge thank you to Ocarinist Sid for doing us a massive favor! After the ezmails, we head off into the actual news, where we discuss thoughts about the recent acquisition of Mojang by Microsoft and the latest in the Anita Sarkeesian harassment case. We finish off the show with Millennium’s final review of World Of Tanks! All this and more up next on VGP 202! -Aki

Show Notes


Intro – Tetris A Theme Guitar Cover by FamilyJules7X
Outro – Tetris B Theme Guitar Cover by FamilyJules7X

Let’s Play Trials Fusion
Microsoft Buys Mojang For $2.5 Billion
FBI Investigating Threats
Selling Strong
Persona Q 3DS XL Limited Edition
Ipod Classic Discontinued
DGA’s New Laptop
Daredevil Climbs Shanghai Tower


World Of Tanks – PC, 360 – ESRB “NR”
MillenniumX17 – Crackers
Official Site


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