Episode 428: Dragons and Tits

Oh, hello there, welcome to another episode of Anime Pulse. I’m your handsome and charming host RedUnit10, and this week I am joined bythe adorable and kawaii-waifu to TimeChaser; Raina. We start into news, talking about energy drinks full of seahorses and politicians who support anime. Then it’s onto the discussion thread, where everyone was disagreeing with everyone else! What is your unpopular anime opinion? Then, sadly, Raina encounters a wild laptop. It uses Overheat, and is super effective. Leaving just poor little Red, all on his lonesome. Luckily he has plenty of boobies to keep himcompany, as he reviewsSeikoku no Dragonar. For everyone who wants a cute female host, listen from the start. For everyone who wants a crazy male host, stick around till the very end. In either case, come along, and let’s get this partystarted!

Show Notes


Intro -Seiken nante IranaifromSeikoku no DragonarbySakakibara Yui
Outro – Neko Mimi Mode from Tsukiyomi Moon Phaseby Dimitri From Paris


Seikoku no Dragonar-Crackers

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0 Replies to “Episode 428: Dragons and Tits”

  1. Yan-da-re! Get it right, or pay the price.

    So Red casually mentioned NTR. Oh, RedUnit10, you dirty birdie. It’s not like it doesn’t exist in real porn, but it’s a very kinky fetish.

    Of all the unpopular opinions given in this episode, the one about calling everything anime irks me, for many reasons. Forgive me, because I forget who said this in the thread.

    Whoever it was, he said that if animation is of good enough quality, then it should be deemed anime. I think this was a rule invented solely by people who really dig the Avatar series, but don’t want it to be associated with those “pedestrian” cartoons. I have heard no other American cartoon welcomed into the anime club, even though there are many quality cartoons.

    There are cartoons made all over the world! Must they now shed the name they are called natively and be called anime? Is The Triplets of Bellville anime? Is Chico & Rita anime? Is Toy Story anime? Also, who is the one who decides what anime is “high quality” enough to be deemed anime?

    If you live in Japan, by all means, call everything anime. If you don’t knock it off, because it comes off as elitist.

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