Episode 443: Hayate no Yatterman

He’s back ladies and gentlemen! TC hath return! Kind of… Waifu Reina takes the hot seat while TC plays backseat driver, she’s only been on a couple times before but she’s already a pro! After some talk about TC’s life and various topics, the crew jumps into news about what kind of gal twitter users in Japan prefer, horrible otaku fashion from the swedish, and active WWIIUSbombs still being found in Japan. After news a very small discussion thread is quickly run through, with either the fact it was such a niche question or the forums kept crashing the entire week; who is the best cosplayer you’ve ever seen? And finally it’s onto the reviews. Reina kicks things off with yoru no yatterman, and Red rounds out the show with the final season of Hayate no Gotoku.

Show Notes


Intro – Kyokugen Dreamerby Screen ModefromYatterman Night
Outro – Neko Mimi Mode by Dimitri From Parisfrom Tsukiyomi Moon Phase


Yoru no Yatterman-Crackers

Hayate no Gotoku Cuties-Netflix


Naughty Girls vs Nice Girls

Champagne Sake

New Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream

Bomb found in Osaka

Otaku Fashion in Sweden

Better as an anime then it was as a manga or LN

Anime that predicted the future

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0 Replies to “Episode 443: Hayate no Yatterman”

  1. If you’re a gamer, Dorkly is a fun read. Like any comedy, there are some misses, but their original content is pretty alright.

    Man, you two are old fogies! Yeah, I take for granted that you’ve been hosts on the show for so long. It feels like yesterday that we had the original hosts on. Who would’ve thought that listeners would become hosts. Heck, most of the hosts on this network are former listeners!

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