Episode 461: Torpedo Boobs

Hello and welcome back to another episode of Anime Pulse, this week Red and Ryo are here to bring you news, reviews, and hopefully some amusement. Straight off the bat is the weekly updates on your gracious hosts, Red working on the ending for the second volume in his book series and Ryo is tired of sleeping on an air mattress. Afterwards comes news with Red detailing the events of a Monster Failure of a convention and Ryo praying to her Idol Gods, and one final bit of news relating to the ex-anime pulse member whose name we do not speak. Then the discussion thread is up to par, this weeks question about what you’d be willing to pay for the ultimate anime streaming and downloading service. And finally the reviews, with Red bringing the second season of Hitsugi no Chaika to the table and Ryo digging up an oldie from the early 2000’s called Divergence Eve.

Show Notes


Intro – Nine Inch Nails by Yousuke Hougafrom Divergence Eve
Outro – Neko Mimi Mode by Dimitri From Parisfrom Tsukiyomi Moon Phase


Hitsugi no Chaika: Avenging Battle– Crackers

Divergence Eve– Burn it


Monster Fest Mess

Idol Praying

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One Reply to “Episode 461: Torpedo Boobs”

  1. “I don’t believe in love” – RedUnit10, yandare lover

    You know, Red sees Vash the Stampede as a “hippie bitch” but you know who else were “hippie bitches”? Ghandi and Martin Luther King, Jr. They got things done, and they had zero guns, let alone 3. It’s cooler when things blow up, but sometimes you have to find another way.

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