Script 2 Script 10: It’s better than Euro-Disney

If it’s two things we love, it’s popular trends and the author of Twilight. Which is why this month’s choice was the Jane Austen obsessed book and Stephenie Meyer produced movie, Austenland.

The story follows a woman that can’t let go of how great Colin Firth looks dripping wet and manages to get into the exclusive vacation spot of Austenland where she is totes the prettiest girl there. Whether it’s the coy glances at tight breeches or the rousing games of whist, it’s a non-stop roller coaster of Regency era romance that doesn’t slow down. Where you’re constantly asking yourself, who will Felicity choose? Mr. Flight of the Conchords or Mr. Totally-Acts-As-If-He-Hates-Her-So-There-Is-No-Way-It-Could-Turn-To-Love?

So adjust your petticoat, make sure your wanton ankles are covered, and enjoy us talking about the best side character ever. We’re positive you’ll find her absolutely…charming. *winky face, mid air high-five*

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