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Ho ho ho everyone, it’s December so you know what that means! Yes, we’ll all be able to do our tax returns soon! I know, exciting stuff right? But if you’re not as pumped as I am about refunded money from the government, then how about some free shit from us?
That’s right, it’s the first ever Anime Pulse Christmas Giveaway.
How do you enter?
- Simple, leave a comment below with your favorite Anime Pulse memory. It can be from any of the shows, and at any point in time. If you can, leave the episode name and number of the moment. (Bonus Points* if you leave the time stamp)
*Please note that bonus points do not actually count for anything besides making things possibly easier for Red in the long run.
What’s up for grabs?
- One Rei Ayanami Figurine
- One Mari Illustrious Makinami Figurine
- One Large Rei Ayanami Cloth Wall Scroll
- One Unchou Kan-u Figurine
How are the winners selected?
- Anime Pulse will take the usernames of all the people who enter in for the giveaway, and place them into a handy random name picker which can be found here:
- The first winner will be contacted and asked which of the items they would like, the second will be contacted and asked which of the remaining items they would like, same with the third, and the fourth place winner will received which ever item remains.
Shipping and Handling?
- All paid for by Anime Pulse, you need only provide an address and name to place on the package. Please note that items will be sent either USPS or UPS, and I will do my best to package them safely but there is always that chance they can get lost or damaged in transition.
Do NOT enter if you do not want any of the prizes, and if you are the fourth place winner please do not complain about what you are receiving. These are totally free, you don’t get to complain about free stuff. If you do, you will get nothing.
Background Music: “キミの記憶” by 川村ゆみ from ペルソナ3 オリジナル・サウンドトラック [Disc 2]
Probably the time my question was used for the old forum topic discussion. Episode 401 or 402 I think.
Manga Pulse 326. “AND I’M PUDDING!” Right out of the gate.
I’ve been listening for several years, way back before Red got in front of a microphone. I liked a lot ot the old Ichigo/TC episodes and moments, but something about the energy and frenetic discussions in MP 326 made me laugh so hard I had tears in my eyes.
I would have to say my all time favorete moment has to be AnimePulse Episode 50 “EPISODE 50: THE NDK WRAPUP EPISODE AND DEMONBANE”
This is some Classic anime pulse from back in the day. Highlights form this episode are Chigo’s Drunk story 53:00 But all of the NDK wrap up parts should be listened to.( maybe we re-release from the vault?)
also back in the day there were 3-5 hosts + signifigant others most of who make a appearance in this podcast.
Just one memory? I’d have to say when Rio joined the show. She adds a different perspective that the show had been missing.
AP: When TC came on board adding a second voice to what had been a long running Ichigo solo performance.
Very hard to pick a favourite part so I’m just going to go with a recent one that sticks with me and say the Unlimited Fafnir review in AP 485 because it was enjoyable to listen to red say how terrible it was (i almost want to watch it because of that)….. and about how everyone wants Monobes’ D.
There are so many favorites for me but I would say the very first thing that comes to mind is actually coming on the show albeit in the form of a Con Report. Ichigo was nice enough to allow my friends and I to record a mini report and posted it at the end of Episode 196. I felt a swell of pride having people hear my voice at the end of my favorite podcast.
OK, I’ll play.
My favorite (favorite) AP memory is Batou’s last episode. He went off, ans spoiled Naruto. I forget what else he said, but it wasn’t calmly riding off into the sunset!
that Episode was so sad man. The last few Batou solo episode where great.
Anime Pulse was one of the first podcast I loaded in my new Ipod and the one that explained and made me understand what Anime was about. I remember when Ichigo and Batou read my comment that after finishing Elfen Lied I was traumatized. I really miss Ichigo and his stories about living in Japan.
Keep the Anime love strong.
My favorite memory is in episode 352 of manga pulse Tim’s description of elves was hysterical.
The time stamp is 58 mins.
The best part of AP so far was a pissed off Red in episode 485. Losing his job unfairly made everything else that week set him off in anger. It was great.
Honestly, everything in AD is pure gold. Keep them coming, please! Ryo and Blonde have such a bizarrely chill chemistry discussing the most heinous scenes in the podcast.
It is difficult for me to pick a favorite moment but I do remember when there used to be questions in the forums. Specifically, the fathers day one particularly for some reason
I’ve literally been listening since episode 1 so there are more memories than I pick from. Now if I pick the 1st one off the top off my head, it would have to be the running gag of “COMIC CON IS COMING!” And of course Weltall’s rant on the use of ellipses in manga is just too funny.
My favorite Anime Pulse moment was when Ichigo and Batou got a care package from Japan and were trying all the candies, snacks and goodies. Ichigo was still with his former girlfriend and there were so much hi-jinks that episode. I also like when Ichigo and Batou came to Anime Expo and Batou’s wanted poster was posted around AX.
My favorite episode among the current co-hosts was when Red was helping cleaning up some cat pee, and Ryo was offroading in a BMW with his dad. I also love how Red makes fun of Blonde by talking like her in a Southern Accent. It is so funny. I also enjoy Ryo’s after Dark Episodes.
Sorry I couldn’t find the episode right away but one of my favorite memories is Ryo’s review of the 2nd season of Tokyo Ghoul.
I don’t have a specific favorite moment I remember but I really do enjoying listening to the IRL news each week.