Episode 566: Happy Art Online

Someone help Joseph, because he has fallen prey to the pay-to-win game of Fate Grand Order. How will he ever pay for his car insurance if he keeps throwing money at digital waifus? Andrew on the other hand is melting in a heatwave currently turning England into an episode of Hells Kitchen, but that doesn’t stop him from covering the community and forum question. Then the industry news comes at you with a resolution to the Love Live! debacle, and an anime studio has finally done away with the traditional ways of earning money. And finally comes the last week of reviews before we hit the summer 2018 previews, with Joseph cringing at “Mamas” and Andrew is rolling his eyes at the cash grab version of SAO.

Show Notes


Intro – “DragonBall-Z Tapion Melody” by ikiratv from Royalty Free Anime Music

Outro“Neko Mimi Mode by Dimitri from Paris from Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase


Sword Art Online Alternative Gun Gale Online – Netflix

Happy Lesson – Netflix


Love Live Defilers Arrested

Rising VA Retires Due to Health

Anime Studio Launches a Patreon

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