Episode 582: How to Not Summon a Megalo

This week on Anime Pulse, Joseph talks about his plethora of Amazon purchases and Andrew is working himself to the bone. Afterwards the two go into industry news with topics like the Attack on Titan mangaka’s documentary, the live action Cowboy Bebop twitter announcement, and a deadly cute security bot makings its debut in Tokyo. And finally the reviews return to normal, as Joseph has a demonic orgy and Andrew gets prosthetic robot arms to punch people with.

Show Notes


Outro“Neko Mimi Mode by Dimitri from Paris from Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase


How to Not Summon a Demon Lord – Crackers

Megalo Box – Netflix


Attack on Titan Mangaka Suffering from Writer Block

Netflix Announces Cowboy Bebop Live Action

AI Security Robot at Tokyo Train Station

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