EPISODE 700: Anniversary Special Edition

Wow, another episode with two ‘0’s’ in a row! Let’s celebrate! On this very special episode of Anime Pulse we talk about our experience on the show as well as a trip down memory lane with you, the listeners (and some special guests). There’s some Q&A, a competition announcement, awards and finally me and Joseph talk a little bit about our favorite anime. Here’s to another 100!

Show Notes


Intro – “Ode To Joy” from Catherine: Full Body

Outro“Neko Mimi Mode by Dimitri from Paris from Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase

Special Guests



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3 Replies to “EPISODE 700: Anniversary Special Edition”

  1. What are we even doing here?

    -No Pope
    -No Mist Finer
    -No Rangi
    -No OneSin
    -No Ichigo/Batou/Chigo
    -No TC?
    -No Code?
    -No Geth?

    Do you even plan these in advance?

    1. I mean most of the former hosts have moved on, so I wouldn’t expect most of them to show up. In the case of TC, he’s no longer among the living. His health failing was the reason he had to stop doing the show.

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