Popcorn Pulse 198: All Things Now

Oscar season has come and gone and left us with little to talk about. That’s because we don’t care about the awards because we’re not professionals. At least that’s our excuse. Still, one film dared us to talk about it with all the sappy reunion stories leaking like yogurt out of that hooker we paid in two thousand seven. We have Everything Everywhere All at Once[2022].

It’s a film featuring “multiverses” in the same way other science fiction films softer than cottage cheese in the Phoenix sun contain “science”. It’s a framing device exploring nihilism by using magic universe jumping fake-nology. At least there are some fun performances and it’s always nice to get more of James Hong while he’s still around.

Weltall revisited Lost in Translation[2003]. Which he happened to watch on the return flight coming back from Japan. It’s Sophia Coppola directing a seventeen year old Scarlett Johansson showing a lot more ass than anyone outside of Reddit should be comfortable. Weltall does remark on some of the staples of western movies that feature Japan like the Shibuya crossing, sometimes called the Scramble. So it segues right into more information about his Japanese vacation.

Tim has The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly(1966). It’s a classic and rather long. Especially if you watch the director’s cut that adds a half hour to the already lengthy one hundred and sixty plus minutes. Tim agrees that there’s good reason it’s considered a classic and the length may contribute to the final showdown being as memorable as it is.

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