Popcorn Pulse 212: Ass Sun

Hey there folks. Water your horse and giddy on up. Put on your boots and check the local wanted posters. We’ve got a Western on deck this week because we wanted to mix it up. Not as well as your counter top appliance with a wire beater. Maybe like a hand held mixer with a paddle beater.

We have Red Sun(1971). A Charles Bronson movie set in the old west where the Japanese have sent some diplomats including a couple of samurai. Bronson robs the train they’re on. Bronson’s underling steals a sword from the diplomats, kills one of them, and betrays Bronson. Left for dead, Bronson teams up with the other samurai to get revenge and the money.

Tim then has Assassination(1987). More Charles Bronson. He plays a secret service agent assigned to protecting the first lady. Turns out there’s a plot to have the first lady taken out for reasons that are stupid. As it’s a Canon Film, this is mostly an excuse to have people fire guns, blow up cars, and fire a rocket launcher or two.

Weltall then talks about Godzilla Minus One[2023]. A film with an incredibly modest budget for the big screen which has reaped massive profit. This goes arm in arm with the critical and audience reception being good. Weltall says that this is the first Godzilla film where the human characters don’t feel like a complete waste of time. Plus Godzilla is cool.

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