Episode 523: Dimension Kaiji

Ho boy do we have a show for you this week ladies and gentlemen, as Joseph and Andrew get really talkative over a slew of subjects. Hope you don’t mind more than a couple off-topic discussion, as the spirit of Manga Pulse seems to really be with us today. Andrew leads us off this week though with his continuing love of golf, and Joseph has had one of the worst experiences in a movie theater yet. Industry news comes in with topics like the best imoutos, and Netflix trying their hand at making an original anime. (Spoilers; It’s pretty bad.) And for reviews Andrew goes all in on gambling for your life, and Joseph takes a trip to the ‘W’ dimension.

Show Notes


Intro – “Mirai wa Bokura no Te no Naka” by Kaiji with Redbourn Cherries from Kaiji

Outro“Contrast” by Fo’xTails from Dimension W


Kaiji – Crackers

Dimension W – Download Now


Netflix Anime Original

Top Little Sisters in Anime

One Piece Creator Wants It To End

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5 Replies to “Episode 523: Dimension Kaiji”

  1. Joseph, I have to point out a contradiction. You had a problem with these kids at the theater getting a ticket basically illegally. So you know how things should go, but you did not go and complain to an employee when these kids are being selfish and belligerent.

    You even talked about calling on staff in other circumstances, so why not in this circumstance? Your mom got all involved in this, too. I wouldn’t get into an argument with someone in a situation like that because you don’t know what would happen. Like in this circumstance, there’s all sorts of lying and name-calling and it was just a mess.

    What did you expect from kids who don’t care about the rules and are at the age where they think their shit doesn’t stink?

    BTW, being called a “Trump supporter” when you’re not is kind of the same feeling a racial slur has for minorities. I guess minorities finally have a bad term that hurts white people!

    1. Kinda agree! Would have been more prudent to grab a theater employee to tell them to quiet down rather than do it yourself. Alternatively, you could have asked them to quiet down in a less confrontational manner. Point to your mom next time and say, “Hey guys, my mom’s having trouble hearing with you talking/on your phone/etc. Could you quiet down?” Worst case scenario, they’re still punks and keep being loud – cue the employees. I guess they still could lie about the exchange, but seems like there’s a higher chance they’d be more agreeable if you start more diplomatically. It also might have been a shit situation since you were approaching a group – groups of assholes are so much more hard to deal with than individuals.

      That said, yeah, smaller movie theaters are usually so much better. The big ones, especially when packed, aren’t great at enforcing their actual rules about phones and noise.

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