Episode 633: Girls’ Last Dungeon

At long last the time has come, gifts shall be opened, and a new year will be celebrated. This week on Anime Pulse Joseph and Andrew exchange gifts and share their thoughts upon opening them, and afterwards Andrew asks us to reflect upon our favorite anime of the past decade. Then industry news takes us to Japan where some angry housewives don’t want to stinking park, and Miyazaki reveals that he may die before completing his next film. And lastly the reviews take us out of 2019 as Joseph runs away from mostly hot amazon girls, and Andrew goes on a final tour of a war torn city in winter.

Show Notes


Intro – “Japanese Style Trap Beat” by Annex from Royalty Free Anime Music

Outro“Neko Mimi Mode by Dimitri from Paris from Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase


DanMachi S2 – Crackers

Girls’ Last Tour – Crackers


Local HOA Gets Up in Arms Over KyoAni Memorial

Hayao Miyazaki’s Next Film Might Outlive Him

KyoAni Ends Donation Account for Fire Recovery

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One Reply to “Episode 633: Girls’ Last Dungeon”

  1. Uhhhhhhhhhh, did Joey imply, STRONGLY, that otaku are a group of people who would repeat the crimes of a maniac who does not represent level-headed anime fans in any way?

    Want to walk that back? Andy, could you stop co-signing him, PLS?

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