Episode 645: Chostars

This week on Anime Pulse the guys are still alive in these trying times, here to bring you some needed relief with reviews, news, and general chit chat from the past week. Up first is the IRL news as Joseph is pretty moot on the new FGO campaign, and Andrew wants to know if an anime’s fan base has ever altered your perspective on an anime. Then come the industry news with Joseph listing off the top manga sought to be made into an anime, and Andrew chimes in on the closures and cancelations from the past week. And finally they dig into some reviews with Joseph becoming Prime Minister in a new world, and Andrew is totally not a furry but…

Show Notes


Intro – “Japanese Style Trap Beat” by Annex from Royalty Free Anime Music

Outro“Neko Mimi Mode by Dimitri from Paris from Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase


Choyoyu – Crackers

Beastars – Netflix


Top 10 Manga Fans Want Adapted into Anime

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One Reply to “Episode 645: Chostars”

  1. Andy, Not being from our side of the world, you’re not used to phrases like ”Ai yi yi!” Which derives from Mexico. It translates to the more modern term SMH (shaking my head) It’s a term of exasperation or disbelief.
    Alternatively, you can spell it Ai yai yai, which better shows how it should be pronounced

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