Episode 703: High School: 86 Eye’s Song

This week on Anime Pulse we got demonic boobie boosting, the ONLY communication news that matters, and our communities’ thoughts on this season so far. Up first IRL news has a slurry Joseph naming a Ralts after Andrew, and Andrew give us the cons and pros of moving back to London. Afterwards industry news, well, the only thing that matters is that Komi can now communicate with us via anime. Andrew also mentions some things about Dragon Ball, but who cares! KOMI! KOMI! KOMI! After Komi we get into the final surprise show of Gatai, as Andrew counts 86 iRobots, and Joseph pokes some tits belonging to a devil to get a boosto in his pants.

Show Notes


Intro – “Japanese Style Trap Beat” by Annex from Royalty Free Anime Music

Outro“Neko Mimi Mode by Dimitri from Paris from Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase


High School DxD Hero – Crackers


Vivi: Fluorite Eye’s Song


Can Komi Has Anime? Yes, yes she can.

Anime Promoting Crime!? Not really.

More Dragon Ball! I Said MOAR!

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