Popcorn Pulse 157: Pork Chop Express

It’s throwback Thursday. And by that we mean Monday. At least we recorded this on Monday. If you wanted to hold off until Thursday to make it accurate you’re fully empowered to do so. You are master of the destiny you pursue. Either way when you get to it, we’ve talked about Big Trouble In Little China(1986).

The classic John Carpenter film where Kurt Russel is a truck driver of the old Pork Chop Express. He gambles overnight and wins but his buddy doesn’t have the cash on him. So Kurt takes him down to Chinatown so he can pick up his bride and get some cash. When the bride to be ends up kidnapped, Kurt follows his buddy to get her back. This means arguing with a husk of a sorcerer who predates the first emperor of China who needs a girl with green eyes.

Tim then brings up Mannequin(1987). It’s an eighties movie and you can tell without looking up the production date on IMDB. It stars a loser who makes a Mannequin that is possessed by the spirit of an Egyptian girl who doesn’t want to marry a camel dung salesman so her spirit travels through time. Plus there’s James Spader as the wormiest bastard you can imagine which is always a plus.

Weltall then has Meet Joe Black(1998). Brad Pitt gets to play death who wants to experience life and makes Anthony Hopkins teach him. Which means Pitt also falls in love with Hopkins’ daughter and may think about killing her. At the very least you get to see Brad get hit by a car twice before hitting the ground. That’s gotta be a silver achievement at least.

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