Episode 781: Guilty-sama: Gear Is War

This week on Anime Pulse we got smelly video game anime, Japan making it difficult to attend concerts, and a quick stop to GameStop. Up first Joseph tells us about his wrap up with Pokemon Violet, and Andrew is hitting those nostalgia vibes again with this weeks community topic. Then in the industry news we got a few topics, one of which is about a trip to Acro and the other is about box office sales. Lastly in the reviews section Joseph goes to war for love and see the battle finished this time, and Andrew watches the story mode of a video game and calls it an anime movie? What?

Show Notes


Intro – “Japanese Style Trap Beat” by Annex from Royalty Free Anime Music

Outro“Neko Mimi Mode by Dimitri from Paris from Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase


Kaguya-sama: Love Is War S3 – Download Now



Big Brother Japan is Watching You Jam to Idols

2024 Anime Announcment

Combo Scoring Movie

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